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Help with A6A computer aided release

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After discovering the knowledge base at Bunyaps site, I tried to give the A-6A a computer aided weapon release like display. I moved the HUD over the now empty radar and removed all but bearing, radar alt and navigation info. The moving of the principal HUD display was done with changing BoresightOffset to 0.0,0.36.


Unfortunately I was not able to influence the CCIP Falling Line completely to my liking: The Viewport coordinates seem to influence the boundaries of the CCIP line, but not sufficiently. I was not able to expand the viewport to all of the area of the radar display. Any ideas how to change that? Here's the HUD setting I use.












Another problem I've encountered is the gunsight. It wanders all over the cockpit. Is there a way to restrict it's display to the radar itself?


Here's how it is looking. The gunsight is the laser designator from the F-16:



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Nice attempt to recreate DIANE, but you will have a big problem getting it to work. First off, the gunsight in CCIP will travel all over the screen, it cannot be restricted to a certain area like the rest of the HUD. Second, to line up the reticule over the target box will be possible but not restricted to the TV display. The red box over a ground target is part of the in-game HUD that is applicable to all aircraftand is controlled by the HUDDATA.ini for all aircraft and is dependent on the HUD difficulty you set in options.


It's a nice idea though, and by moving the display from the HUD over a blank tv screen in the cockpit could have future possibilities for modelling MFDs maybe.

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Dam fine work, Its a great idea! Sounds like you are on the right track, to making the the A6 the weapons platform we all want it to be. Keep us posted I will be watching with great interest, and hope you have good luck.

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