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About Redddevil911

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    St. Louis MO


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  1. F-14D V1.4

  2. Being down sized!

    Today is my last day, I am being let go! The company has decided to use a cheaper outside vendor over keeping all work in house! It still has not hit me yet, I still got up this morning shaved, showered put on my suit and sat in morning rush hour traffic to make it on time. Tomorrow I think I will sleep in just a bit, before trying to find a new job! So I say this SH!T, the job market sucks, and I can't get my wife to relocate again ( she would kill me and and place my freash remains in a hole in the back yard). So who knows maybe I can find work pushing carts at the local market, lord knows that little old man can do it! And I know I could take him in a cage match!
  3. Are any extra's needed? Or is this a download and go MOD?
  4. Can anyone say whats going to be in this new game, that we don't already have because of all the great work done by all the gents at CA!
  5. Four pages for the F-8, I like the F-8's as well but can we give it up the the little brother! Anyone?
  6. You never heard of the Millenium Falcon? She'll make .5 past light speed, she's fast enough for you old man!
  7. I have never heard of an Alpha Strike! Could some one please fill me in, sounds like i missing out on something!
  8. Chavez vows revenge for Falklands war

    Chavez needs to let sleeping dogs lay! The dog being the armed forces of the United Kingdom, I from England that’s my home (I live in the US because of work) he has his troops set one foot on the Falklands and he is going to have one pissed of Island nation who will be out for his blood. The days of the British Empire may have ended long ago, but the fire that enable the Brit's to build an empire still burns very hot and we will fight for what’s right and ours! He's a wind bag and likes to shoot his trap off about this and that, but still I can't help but get red faced mad when he makes threats toward my home forces.
  9. Personal Photo

    LOL, that should work great!
  10. Baltika, any word on new updates? I play you mods lot love them greatly. Do you have anything in the hopper?
  11. You could try D/L the tile sets from www.sfmods.com it adds a little something to the terrains, plus you can find a couple good effects mods as well.
  12. I'll take lucky over good any day of the week!
  13. I can't pick a clear winner but i bet it comes down to the Euro and the MIG 35!
  14. Try this! Amazon.com Marketplace Amazon.com
  15. New A2G weapon from Iran

    Yes that is true, but after relations fell apart between the US and Iran the spare parts needed to keep Iran’s F-14's in the air stop! Forcing the grounding of the AAF F-14's. If parts for the AAF's F-14's could be found we could have fight on our hands!

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