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First let me say that I love the Tomcat!! Thanks to Mirage Factory!


One thing has been really bugging me though,.... the altimeter. The roll dials that show the ten thousands, thousands and hundreds of feet are not working correctly. The white dial which should show hundreds does not move from zero when it should agree with the needle. The two black dials which should show thousands and ten thousands actually show hundreds and thousands. This effectually renders the altimeter useless. I've been trying to find how to fix this, but can't seem to find the value anywhere. Anyone know what I'm missing? ....and yes I did search the knowlege base.



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Wow, 65 views and not even 1 reply. I guess I'm the only one bothered by this enough to want to see it fixed and try to get the info to fix it. ..... ok.

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I guess you have to look at the F-14A_Cockpit.INI, and search for the lines dealing with the altimeter.

You'll find something like Diviser=10000, I can't remember exactly the name, but anyway try to find the 100 and 1000 and change them to 1000 and 10000.

The command name is much probably not Diviser, but command names are explicit, and it's not that hard to guess how it works.

Hope it helps.

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I guess you have to look at the F-14A_Cockpit.INI, and search for the lines dealing with the altimeter.

You'll find something like Diviser=10000, I can't remember exactly the name, but anyway try to find the 100 and 1000 and change them to 1000 and 10000.

The command name is much probably not Diviser, but command names are explicit, and it's not that hard to guess how it works.

Hope it helps.



Thanks for the reply rhugouvi!! In fact I did find the problem this morning and fixed it before my second post. As it turns out it was actually a problem in the cockpit LOD file. There are 3 values there for the altimeter and using a hex editor and some trial and error with switching the alt callouts in the lod (alt_dig1,alt_dig2,alt_dig3) . These calloute are referenced by the line CounterNodeFormat=alt_dig%d in the F-14 cockpit.ini in the altimeter section.


I wouldn't have thought to check that if not for a flap problem with an old MiG-23M beta where the outer wing flaps didn't work.....I got them to work first when I looked at the node callout and it's association with the LOD file.


I was just curious if anyone might be interested in the fix being posted, or if it is only annoying to real pilots :wink:

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