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I have been making a ww2 set from addons to Strike Fighters (actaully trying to use FE as the base) and have been reading the 'readme' docs. In the downloads for a given plane like the Spitfire1a several sub folders are created. Among these are 'AIRCRAFT', 'COCKPIT', and 'SOUND'.


From reading the docs I think I am to take the files under the 'SOUND' folder and copy them under the 'SOUND' folder under the OBJECTS folder. I think the 'COCKPIT' folder remains under the given plane. Now there are three or two files I am not sure where they go. An example would be PilotSpitfire.bmp, PilotSpitfire.ini, and PilotSpitfire.LOD Now I think I just drop these 'pilot' files directly under the 'AIRCRAFT' folder. But should I keep them under the given plane? Or howabout under the PILOTDATA folder. Until told otherwise I will just drop them under the AIRCRAFT FOLDER.

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Guest capun

You put the pilot stuff under the SFP1\Objects\Aircraft folder


It's a quirk in the file path, i gues so all the planes can share the pilots and not to have them all over the place.

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