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Anti ship mission in the Solomans campaign

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I am having issues with the Solomons campaigns. Everytime that I have an anti_ship mission with the TBF, it locks up. It locks up right after I select the squadron. I checked that there are cargo ship targets, and it works fine in single mission mode. Does anyone have any suggestions?



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I am having issues with the Solomons campaigns. Everytime that I have an anti_ship mission with the TBF, it locks up. It locks up right after I select the squadron. I checked that there are cargo ship targets, and it works fine in single mission mode. I am also having other problems. The USN ships in the harbors and the us AAA are shooting at me. For the life of me I can't find the cause to any of these problems. HELP!!! I downloaded the Solomons full campaign from CA. Any suggestions out there at all?



Edited by scrapper

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I pressume you mean Edwards Full Solomon mod.

Edward posted about some issues at Thirdwire forums with the latest service pack. So you should try to contact him directly.


Not sure what causes the lockup with anti Ship missions, sorry don't have it, so can't check.


As for AA and Ships at i pressume Guadalcanal shooting at you: Switch trough the ground units via F7 and check if they are red (japanese) units.

Edward said that some squads had their activation date set two weeks after the campaign start and so japanese were well advanced into close proximity of Henderson.

You might set the startdate for the player units to the campaign start date.

That means basic campaign editing, consult the knowledge base on this.


This is what i remember from Edwards posts at thirdwire forum. See if you can find the topic.



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Thats exactly what I needed. I will check out the other site. I have fixed some of the problems, and I started working on a flying tigers campaign. I just didn't want to have the same issues. Thanks a bunch.



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