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looking for a good game

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hi i'm a noob

and i'm looking for a airplane simulator similar to ace combat 3 (you know: many planes, many missions and easy-to-use controls).

i have an amd athlon xp 2000 whith 256 mb, a ge-force 4 fx 440 (64 mb) video card and 30gb hdd

i've played il2 sturmovik forgotten battles but the controls where to hard (it took me over a week just to get the plane off the ground an fly to the mission objetive).

i'm downloading f-22 lightning 3 looks like it's preety good (but i'd like a second opinion)


pd: sorry if y wrote anything wrong, i'm from argentina and my level of english isn't too great.

Edited by Einheriar

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The two hottest air combat sims out today are Wings Over Europe(WOE) and Falcon 4: Allied Force (F4:AF). You can read more about them in their individual forums on this site. If you r looking for a WWI sim, well....there's that too...and you should check out more in the appropriate forum.


Being from Argentina, you may also be interested in the development of Jet Thunder.....also check out that forum.





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The two hottest air combat sims out today are Wings Over Europe(WOE) and Falcon 4: Allied Force (F4:AF).


Not that you're plugging for the SFP community :tongue:


Fates is right though, you can't miss with WOE or Strike Fighters (although WoV didn't sit very well with me for some reason). I"ve been a big fan of the Ace Combat series too, ever since playing the arcade version, CAP-22, way back in about 94 maybe? I'd personally say go with the SF project as it's almost infinitely plyable and you can tune it to the more arcade style or sim it up, depending on which end of the sim spectrum you find yourself. Plus, most importantly, I think the SF project sims (SFG, WoV, WoE) are the only ones outside of the Ace Combat style games that have a flyable F-23 blackwidow! How can you go wrong?


Also, despite being a bit old and Helicopter sims, Enemy Engaged Apache Vs Havoc and EE Comanche Vs Hokum aren't bad too.

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Also, despite being a bit old and Helicopter sims, Enemy Engaged Apache Vs Havoc and EE Comanche Vs Hokum aren't bad too.

Gunship! would probably fit in with what he wants too

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Gunship! would probably fit in with what he wants too


Wish I could still get Gunship! to run on my system... Just won't run at all... :sad:

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Gunship! runs fine on XP :dntknw:

what are you running?

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Gunship! runs fine on XP :dntknw:

what are you running?


Running XP too but i've got compatability issues. Maybe need to redo windows. Been a bit twitchy of late.

Same reason why LOMAC runs like a dog. Used to run like a dream, :sad: back in the day...

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Guest IndioBlack
i'm looking for a airplane simulator similar to ace combat 3 (you know: many planes, many missions and easy-to-use controls).


That'll be STRIKE FIGHTERS. You've described it perfectly.

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Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and say that the Third Wire Series (SF/WoV/WoE/FE) is going to be your best bet. It'll run decent on just about any system and it's got the selection (with third party add-ons) you're looking for, plus the difficulty settings can be turned way down. Another plus...it's cheap compared to a 50 dollar play-station game.

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the best sims are "Jane`s Combat Simulations"!


But they not running with XP..............


Greetings from Germany



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another couple of simple sims would be MS combat flight sim 2 and EAW.Both are close to the Thirdwire series..only problem with MS sims if you play on-line they are really easy to cheat with(and I'm afraid most people do)..and EAW is an older sim.if you're looking for single player only find B-17II The mighty Eighth a super bomber sim,can be as simple or as complex as you want.

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