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Bit of work on an Eindecker

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Guest capun
ok i got round the issue by instead of linking the fast prop and slow prop discs to the prop axle...i just grouped them all as prop axle..floated the pivot point to the centre of gravity (which is a handy way of coping with grouped sections... i like it now i understand it a bit better) and i have a use-able (if a little unimpressive!) prop animation...

i'm hoping that the grouping method will be a way of handling the damage effects..

grouping the appropiate elements into the named groups the game expects for damage breaking parts etc..dunno if it will work...am i right in supposing that the bullet holes display on the D model file???

or will they display on the normal ones allso?


i guess i need the D model files in there as when the fuselage gets damaged it just vanishs completely ..


You need to be sure that all of the prop parts have their pivot points centered and World Aligned, the game already knows the axis a normal prop rotates. I normally have a propshaft or spinner as the parent mesh, to it I link the Prop mesh and the slow/fast discs. I think the Eindecker uses a rotary engine, so you could use the engine as the parent mesh (declare it as the SpinnerNode).


Do not use Groups, I don't think the game engine knows how to handle them.


As for Damage modelling, any children meshes get damaged/destroyed when the parent mesh gets damaged/destroyed. You can also declare the damage rating of the mesh in the data ini, like this






You can also make Damaged/Destroyed meshes and declare them



FE has introduced new variables to enhance the damage modelling by detaching other meshes along with the primary meshes when the other mesh may not be linked to the primary mesh. Due that Max can only link to one mesh and not to multiple meshes, like wing struts for example.


DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE (may have been there before)

DetachNode[001]=Strut I4 R

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You need to be sure that all of the prop parts have their pivot points centered and World Aligned, the game already knows the axis a normal prop rotates. I normally have a propshaft or spinner as the parent mesh, to it I link the Prop mesh and the slow/fast discs. I think the Eindecker uses a rotary engine, so you could use the engine as the parent mesh (declare it as the SpinnerNode).


Do not use Groups, I don't think the game engine knows how to handle them.


As for Damage modelling, any children meshes get damaged/destroyed when the parent mesh gets damaged/destroyed. You can also declare the damage rating of the mesh in the data ini, like this






You can also make Damaged/Destroyed meshes and declare them



FE has introduced new variables to enhance the damage modelling by detaching other meshes along with the primary meshes when the other mesh may not be linked to the primary mesh. Due that Max can only link to one mesh and not to multiple meshes, like wing struts for example.


DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE (may have been there before)

DetachNode[001]=Strut I4 R



Hmmm cheers Capun i am making a note of all this info it's most appreciated....:good:


i did try the prop linking approach and found that the rudder and elevator rotated with the prop...even tho there was no link between them at all...the grouped method does appear to work.... even with the individual groups (nose) (prop) (wires) etc etc all grouped to gether into one large group which is the entire aircraft...BUT this is open to re-evaluation of course so i'll bear it in mind....i'll change the fuselage to damaged for the time being untill i get a better feel for it...and i'll knock up a damaged version just to see how it works for later on there's certainly no end of details to tidy up and understand here....allmost as many details as the modellor desires...!! i'm going to try to simplify it as much as possible at least for now...to spare my poor brain the endless trail and error...

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some rigging and passable decal placement job...looking more the part :pilot:


Hey! That's really shaping up!!! You are too modest. :good:


A question though, I'm just taking a quick look at my Jane's Fighting AC of WW1 (the only thing I have handy) and I noticed your undercarriage is of the earlier Fokker monoplane type (Uberursel motor). Is this a deliberate choice?

The later Eindecker appears at least to me from a grainy photo taken at the front-side 1/4 to have regular V-shaped pipes undercarriage rather than the back-set "parallelogram" [for lack of a better term] I see on the earlier one in the book. Or do they have the same structure and it is a trick of perspective?


I am no Fokking expert :crazy: so I will defer to expert opinions... and I'm sure there is no shortage of those around... :lol:

Just though it was an unusual departure from how FE has been largely doing a reverse chronological intro of its 3d planes, and is not meant as any sort of criticism, slight, or general slag of your talents...

Edited by B Bandy RFC

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Hallo! I am on my way to bring other bird to her flight...model is ready, i linked it and exported...I named all objects as in Spad data ini, so i tried to replase the Spad LOD file with one i exported....but there is no Plane while flying, only GunFire lol what do i am doing wrong? Poly count 4800. Maybe i cant see anything, becouse of no texture on it yet? :dntknw:


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And there is a Newport in progress at simhq


Hangars are slowly filling up...

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And there is a Newport in progress at simhq


Hangars are slowly filling up...


Yep! :wink: Nieuport 11 by Monty_CZ and Nieuport 28 by me :) Hope i will get it to work....

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Yep! :wink: Nieuport 11 by Monty_CZ and Nieuport 28 by me :) Hope i will get it to work....



Eindecker and N28!



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Guest capun
Hallo! I am on my way to bring other bird to her flight...model is ready, i linked it and exported...I named all objects as in Spad data ini, so i tried to replase the Spad LOD file with one i exported....but there is no Plane while flying, only GunFire lol what do i am doing wrong? Poly count 4800. Maybe i cant see anything, becouse of no texture on it yet? :dntknw:



If you are not seeing the model, most likely there is a typo problem in the LOD filename, since it looks like the LOD failed to load.


I assume that the model has some kind of texture applied to the meshes?

Edited by capun

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did i read some where that if the lower LODs dont have the same hierachy as the main LOD then nothing shows up...??? to be safe and for early testing just have the one LOD and edit the others out of the ini file (as per the DWFC) it should show up then-- or slap some texture on it (mine was an eindecker shaped cloud untill i put texture on it!)



Brandy ...Cheers..:ok: kinda lost me a bit on the undercarraige thing ..i need more coffee :crazy:

i'm not being that accurate about it all i must admit!! :this::sorry:




here's me engine thingamadoodle...! :good:

Edited by bortdafarm

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Guest capun

If you have multiple LOD's, all of them must have the same hierarchy and mesh names.


You can reduce the lower LOD's meshes to even one poly (of course it would look terrible) but you have to have them match the hierarchy and mesh names on a 1:1 basis.

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:good: many Thanks TEX! :ok:


trouble is i'm getting so bogged down in the damn fiddle faddling about with the damage profile this parts breaks of that part breaks of the other part breaks of that part etc etc...in fact the only thing that breaks is the fuselage..which simply vanishes no matter how i set it up...typical computer bollocks...the one part which should NEVER vanish....is the only part that will....patience wearing thinner here... :dntknw:

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sadly i have not the patience for computers i used to have


ho hum another day wasted....6 hours straight work on a damage profile and nothing...absolutely no progress what so ever....i cannot prevent the fuselage from simply vanishing completely when damaged...

the gunsight does not line up with the bullet trajectory so it's impossibel to aim...(even when the mg psotion and flash location are both lined up exactly on the gunsight..the bullets them selves travel half a inch above...no way to adjust...that i have been able to find.....

unable to persuade the wires nose and upper cowling to be visable from the cockpit

endless drivelling techno fetish computer bollocks!!! :slow(en):


got an airfile set up i quite like (doesn't conform to ANY history book tho--right speeds right flight characteristics...completely wrong statistics!! lol that's more like it..)

all flying control surfaces remember...wing warp roll controll etc...


so that's it

no damage profile...

bizaare gun sight issue......

invisable nose/upper decking/wires etc

no release


damage profile

gunsight ok

nose ok


move onto next model..

it's that simple..

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Guest capun
sadly i have not the patience for computers i used to have


ho hum another day wasted....6 hours straight work on a damage profile and nothing...absolutely no progress what so ever....i cannot prevent the fuselage from simply vanishing completely when damaged...

the gunsight does not line up with the bullet trajectory so it's impossibel to aim...(even when the mg psotion and flash location are both lined up exactly on the gunsight..the bullets them selves travel half a inch above...no way to adjust...that i have been able to find.....

unable to persuade the wires nose and upper cowling to be visable from the cockpit

endless drivelling techno fetish computer bollocks!!! :slow(en):


got an airfile set up i quite like (doesn't conform to ANY history book tho--right speeds right flight characteristics...completely wrong statistics!! lol that's more like it..)

all flying control surfaces remember...wing warp roll controll etc...


so that's it

no damage profile...

bizaare gun sight issue......

invisable nose/upper decking/wires etc

no release


damage profile

gunsight ok

nose ok


move onto next model..

it's that simple..


The offer is still in the table if you want to send the package and the Max file so I can take a look at it.


Wires not being seen is usually due to two things


- Your virtual cockpit location is way off. You use the main model pilot location for the starting position in the cockpit.ini, somthing like this






Position=-0.219,1.645,0.75 ; data ini pilot location







Position=-0.219,1.645,0.75 ; Cockpit ini seat position


- The wires are not attached to one of the main meshes declared in the data ini file. For example if you have a Left Wing mesh called Wing_L, and the wing wires attached to it. In the Data ini




ModelNodeName=Wing_L ; Inner Wing Mesh


ShowFromCockpit=TRUE ; This mesh will be visible from the pit




- Usually when a parts gets detached is because is a child of a mesh that has been damaged/destroyed, and that is strange since normally the Fuselage is the Parent for all of the other meshes.


- There are places in the ini that can be tuned for the bullet travel, here's one example








AimAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 ; You can use this variable to tune it, they are in angle in the X,Y,Z axis, so If I am correct the first number adjusts up/down, last number Left/Right

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Mates, i tested LOD file made by me with only one level of detail (edited spad ini) and i think my Geforce is dead!! Cant run 3d applications now (black screen), FE only the plane model to see - no terrain, no sky...even 3dsMax runs only with SOFTWARE (no OpenGL, no DirectX).....and DXDIAG tests are funny! Direct3d 8 and 9 tests are ok, but Direct3d 7 -- box is red without logo and has black points.....i am dieing!!! :sorry::dntknw:

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foook man that is starting to look good!!!!!



Naw, it's Fokking looking GREAT!!!! :crazy: Wonderful work, nice engine...


Hope nobody takes offense, just having a bit of fun and passing on some much deserved kudos to a talented man. Well, I think you are a man... hard to tell, Bortdafarm??? Could be a Swedish woman's name... anyways, I digress, looong day, feeling punchy...

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:ok::pilot: CHEERS GUYS!!

many thanks Tex!! :good:

keep the pointers coming, thanks Capun :good:

have to work it out myself (only way to learn in the end)but no harm in reading some solid tips!


EML hope your card lives to fight another day! :dntknw:


anyhuw gotten some sort of grip on the thing so i think i've earn't a screeny splurge!














near drove me mad but...

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what have you done????!?!?!?! this last update looks just god awfull!!!!




looks great man cant wait to shoot the pilots out of the cockpit!!!


Is it possible to give the pilot a neck shot??? >=)



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wow... I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition... :pilot:


Is it just me or rudder makes the plane roll in the opposite direction? The folks at SimHQ were complaining about the same issue with Albatross(What flavour is it?) remake. Just put(or remove) '-' before the rudder+roll something in data :this:


And... What about polishing the wire joint above the MG? Now it looks like a pile of sticks.. You might wanna look at E. in Richthofen Skies for Targetware to see how it looks on their model.


Funny but that's the only plane where AI shoot as much as me. Maybe because I was so busy trying to turn in the right direction... :moil:


Anyway, I still think it's


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In the data.ini, in the rudder section, change ReverseInput=FALSE to ReverseInput=TRUE. It fixes this problem. Late for work. Gotta run!

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Yep, it makes the ride more pleasant...

Edited by Gr.Viper

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This looks cool!


Do the wings creak ominously, like the one in RB? This plane was fairly delicate and required a light touch on the controls -- or it fell apart! Yes, I speak from simulated experience. :0



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i'm sure you guys can cope with editng the rudder section to reverse the imput... :haha: come on now... :lol: my rudder pedals require this change- obviously not for a joystick perhaps?? sorry you'll have to edit it youselfs...ye gawds...


as for the rest...well.. you now have an Eindecker of sorts....it's up to you wether you enjoy it or not!!! it's not compulsory!!


all airfile entrys are completely open to modification --as any other aircraft--...knock your selves out!

i like this one me self you may not...i set it up the way i like it nothing too fancy but quirky enough to be interesting ,..if you change it that's fine by me.. :this:





you can change the g force needed to make the structure creak by editing this entry in the data ini


MaxG=4.20 reduce it to 3.20 or similar to simulate the fragility of the airframe..etc..


and so on

glad you like it..it is of course not really finished...detail is great but it all costs FPS


lets not be boring about it eh guys??? just for once?? for the novelty of the experience

Edited by bortdafarm

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