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Changing Display name

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Any chance an administrator will reply to my e-mail regarding changing my Display Name sometime soon? I left a mail on the site 16th January 2007 but have not had a response.


I'd love to hear from you.

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I'm not sure if you can edit that part..I'll ask and get back to you.

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PM me the details and I will make it so.

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I respond to all the emails I get and did not get one from you David ... but yeah send it to Fates.





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PM me the details and I will make it so.


I sent you mail about this from my controls but it hasn't come up as a message sent. Maybe I didn't do it right.


Here it is this way.





I would like to change my display name to 'brainless' but keep all other details the same viz: same password and same login name.


I have looked on the forums but can't find a specific reference on how to do this and there doesn't seem to be a why of doing this in 'My Controls'.


If this is possible I should be grateful if you would advise me or if you can implement this at your end then please go ahead and make the change.




Yours truly


David Rance


P.S I sent this mail on 16.1.2007 from CombateACE site but didn't get a reply and therefore sending it again in case you didn't receive the originalCOPY MAIL

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Please read my above post. You can change your display name in your My Controls area. The help section should help you do this.





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Please read my above post. You can change your display name in your My Controls area. The help section should help you do this.






Thank you for responding to my request.


I just logged in at the site but I still seem to have my old name 'David

Rance' displayed on the board of online members. This is the name I wanted

to change to 'brainless'


Has something gone wrong? Its the dispaly name I wish to change not my loggin name.


There is no 'Change your Display Name item in 'My Controls' so far as I can see


Sorry for the problems this is causing and profuse apologises if any of this

is my fault.


Best wishes


Yours truly



David Rance

----- Original Message -----

From: "CombatACE Forum" <forums@combatace.com>


Sent: Friday, February 02, 2007 1:25 PM

Subject: Member Name Change Notification ( CombatACE Forum )




> David Rance,

> An administrator has changed your member name on CombatACE Forum.


> Your new name is: Brainless


> Please remember this as you may need to use this new name when you log in

> next time.

> Board Address: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php





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If you log out, remove you cookies from this site and log back in....I'm gonna bet your new name will work.

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If you log out, remove you cookies from this site and log back in....I'm gonna bet your new name will work.


Well I've tried this. I removed the cookies from the temporary folder and in the 'local settings' list but when I log back in and enter my new log-in name 'brainless' I still get my old display name. Any other ideas?


Thanks and sorry for the trouble this is causing.


All the best

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Great. I'm now definitely'brainless'


Thanks again and sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.

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