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Erik last won the day on June 29 2022

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  1. It's safe to try if you make backup of the original ODS file, then put the other in place, and start the game to check. If you need to you can revert the file to its original. Additionally you could compare the files to see what's different between the two and then make a file by transferring in the hotas required parts only. There are comparison editors out there to download and use.
  2. I would try using your home connection. The failed downloads I see are coming from a mobile network that you're using. I can do a lot of things but diagnose a mobile connection coming from Europe, not something that's going to happen.
  3. *I will not contribute to this juvenile delinquency* AHHHCHOO
  4. Can you hum a few bars? I might be able to recognize it that way.
  5. It's vaporware and for a small fee you too can believe in the dream. Membership comes with a free hat and your own personal key to the Branch Davidian safe house.
  6. New Guy hear recommended by Trotski

    Well done and welcome. Any friend of of Trotski's is a friend of ours.
  7. I'll try to walk you through this. 1. Download all four parts of the file. I put them on my desktop so it's easy for you to see, but you could put these files anywhere you want as long as they are in the same folder (directory) on a drive. 2. Make sure you have the latest version of 7zip installed. Go to https://www.7zip.com/ and download what you need. Install or update as necessary. 3. Make sure you have all the required Thirdwire Strikefighters 2 games installed and patched correctly. 4. Go to the directory where you put the downloads. For this instruction set they are on my desktop, I can move the install files after I've installed the mod. Right click the main file ODS_30AE.zip and choose to Extract to "ODS_30AE\" ** NOTE ** My right click menus look like Win7 on a Win11 machine because I hated the new right click menus in Win11. Your Windows will not look the same as mine but should function the same. 5. You should now get a new folder called "ODS_30AE" in your directory or desktop like my example. 6. Double left click that folder to open it. You will get a view of the contents in the file explorer window. 7. Right click the ODS_30AE.ISO file. From the menu that appears you can you do two things. Mount the ISO which we will do in this example or Burn the ISO to a CD like we used to do in the old days. 8. Select "Mount" and you will see that your computer mounts the ISO just like it's a new drive on your computer. For me it appears as new DVD Drive (F:) Operation Desert Storm 9. Double left click the "installer.exe" and follow the onscreen instructions. 10. When you're done installing you will need to unmount the file. Open the file explorer window where you double clicked the installer.exe file. On the left right click "DVD Drive (F): Operation Desert Storm" and chose "Eject" 11. Now you can move the files anywhere you want for safekeeping. **Note we did nothing with the files ODS_30AE.z01, ODS_30AE.z02, ODS_30AE.z03. The installer needs those files but you don't need to do anything with them other than have them in the directory where the main download file is. I'm sure someone will do this differently than I do and if I need to update my instructions I can, just let me know. Be nice I'm not much of a computer guy. And just as I finish this tutorial you got it to work. Glad you were part of the 95% and the installer is fine, which I suspected. E
  8. New Guy hear recommended by Trotski

    I know this book. Your conclusions were all wrong TKE1028man. @Trotski acted stupidly. Bonus points if you can name the movie.
  9. Lower your settings to the lowest setting possible, even if your machine should be able to handle it. Play the mod at the lowest settings and see if it CTD. If it does not, then the engine is overloaded at the higher settings. This can be from things like selecting the wrong video card in the settings or selecting auto for some of the settings. There are very few issues with the mod, 95% end up being user error. Since this is an ISO file I don't know if there's a readme in the folder, I haven't looked, knowing @Menrva it's there. All the things that would be in the readme are in the mod description including the potential fixes for some issues. I suggest you start there and read it thoroughly, this is just a snippet of the text. After all these years I still have no idea why these support topics are posted in the file announcement or in the comment section of the file. We have a perfectly good place to keep all the support tickets if we could get everyone to use it. Go to the file on the right big green button it says, "Get Support" which is a slight bit under the "Download File" button. E
  10. Happy Birthday America!

    July 4, 1776
  11. I didn't think the Brits were allowed out to play after Aussies ranked above them in Cricket this year
  12. Mach 6 airliner -- a 'what if' video

    Didn't the tests back in the 1960's with the X-15 generate temperatures greater than 1,200°F in their airframe tests at mach 6? Not sure there'd be people standing in the wings unless they were skeletal charcoal remains.
  13. Send me a PM with the details and we'll discuss it.
  14. The DTIC has some released information here: https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/citations/ADA398882 and the associated research report is here: ADA398882.pdf Just a start but like @daddyairplanes said you'll have to break the query down into smaller pieces to get anywhere. The likelihood of finding all middle east countries in one research paper or KB is very slim.
  15. @Menrva The ODS30AE's file description has a hard link set to an attachment in your "attachments". Since the people clicking on that link are not you there's a credentials problem. Other people can't see, download, or use attachments that belong to you. My suggestion is to attach that file somewhere public like a forum post then it would be available, or you could add the hotfix into the downloads which is the best solution.

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