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Wings over Vietnam addtioinal Aircraft and Groundunits.

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Wings over Vietnam addtioinal Aircraft and Groundunits.

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This file is for Wings over Vietnam and will add folders and ini files for aircraft and groundunits that are in the objects.cat file but not used by the game. It will only work with latest Servicepack and patch applied!


It will add the C-130A, F-104G, IL-28, Su-7BM, TU-22 and the following ground units: BM-14-16 Katjusha, BTR-50PK APC, BTR-ZU23, SCUD-B and ZSU-23/4.


For the groundunits skins made by Phamtuan have been included. You need to download skins for the Aircrafts.


Read the readme.txt as it will explain in detail what to do.




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