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Guest Cachifality

ENEMY aircraft weapons

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Guest Cachifality

Hi all. I'm new to SFP1 so, sorry if my question sounds stupid.

My problem is: Installed SFP1, applied the service pack 051506b, then patch 083006, then weapons pack 03Jul06, and then added some aircraft from Malvinas (Sea Harrier, Harrier GR.3, MirageIIIEA...).

My aiming is to fight with mirages against harriers or viceversa, so i declare the RAF and RoyalNavy nations as ENEMY, and ARA and FAA as FRIENDLY. The argentinean aircraft are full of weapons (exocet, matra's, bombs, etc.) but the harriers only get droptanks. If I set the RAF and RN back to FRIENDLY, voilá! there's the sidewinders and BLU's available. But I want them to be enemies! The same happens if RAF and RN are FRIENDLY and ARA and FAA are ENEMY. ¿Any idea about what's wrong?

Thanks in advance.

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You need to make those weapons enemy as well. So the sidewinders need to be enemy etc.

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Guest Cachifality

Well, thanks for answering USAF. My question now is ¿how do I set the weapons as ENEMY? I used weapon editor to modify the atachments, also the aircraft_data.ini (the section corresponding to Weapons Stations). But no luck. ¿is there another .ini necesary to mod?

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Guest Cachifality

Ok, I just get it. Weapon atachment must be UK+WP (in weapon editor) that makes the weapon usable for the Enemy band. Sorry for asking.

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