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I tried to make naval-able the A-5B and T-45; they can launch form ships but they can't land

Of course I added a tailhook, but something is wrong

Any idea? anyone intested in pudating those planes?

,, also is there around a version of the a-5b using the proper and peculiar weapons system?

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Guest capun

I tried to make naval-able the A-5B and T-45; they can launch form ships but they can't land

Of course I added a tailhook, but something is wrong

Any idea? anyone intested in pudating those planes?

,, also is there around a version of the a-5b using the proper and peculiar weapons system?


Did you add the CarrierBased statement to the Data ini?









By can't land, what do you mean? Do they crash? won't trap? Did you lower the tailhook?

Edited by capun

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Ok,, hmhm

yes I added the carrier statement was obviously added, therefore the plane can catapult,,, as for the land,, basically they don't trap, and this is obvioulsy due to my poor positioning of the taillhook; the ra-5c, therere is agood copy on checksix, althoguht he tailhook has no moedle; and yes I lowered the tailhook

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Guest capun

You don't need a physical 3D model of the tailhook, it is mainly eye candy.


You need the hook attachment, lenght and deployment angle.


It does take practice to land on the carriers, in most of the cases of missing traps I miss the wires completely.


Are you hearing the tires screech when you hit the deck? If so pause the game inmediately, go to an external free view and see where you hit the deck.

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Ok the RA-5C traps perfectly; althogugh with no tailhook visable; the T-45 doesn't

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