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Couple of noob WOV question

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Sorry for all the questions, i'm trying to get up to speed on everything. And searching didn't really come up with anything.


1.) I need to edit the particlesystem.ini file but i can't seem to find it, can anyone point me in the right direction?


2.) I have my X-52 slider set to change my FOV, is there any way to increase the speed of the FOV change? Right now its a slow zoom in/out.


4.) My Mig-21MF has its canopy open when its on the ground, since there's no toggle canopy button and only open and close depending on speed, i rather have the thing closed all the time. What do i have to edit inside the data file to have it close?


5.) Is there a mod that improves the city structure? I mange to get better tiles, sea, clouds, but whenever i fly over cities its kinda sad to see only blocks of buildings. I want to see some in different shapes.


Thanks to all who have been helping me, this is a great forum. I wish there was some sort of rep giving on this forum so i can give you guys some.

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2.) I have my X-52 slider set to change my FOV, is there any way to increase the speed of the FOV change? Right now its a slow zoom in/out.


Please take a look at the Knowledgebase for issue 2). I believe you need to change PanScale in viewlist.ini in the flight folder, but I might be wrong.

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I use the POV hat3 on my X52, which is a bit faster. When I had the mouse wheel working on my HOTAS, it was very fast. (having some issues with the actual mouse and the X52 mouse device conflicting)

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4.) My Mig-21MF has its canopy open when its on the ground, since there's no toggle canopy button and only open and close depending on speed, i rather have the thing closed all the time. What do i have to edit inside the data file to have it close?


It shouldn't by default, did you install a mod? Go into the MiG-21MF_Data.ini and look for the Canopy block. It should say:




Change it to false, and I think you're all set!


What do you mean by city structure? Different buildings? There isn't a mod for that right now. I think Polak is working on it though, look in the TW forum.

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yea i meant like random shape buildings because most of them are just blocks in the city, i want some bigger, some smaller...etc.

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