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Everything posted by grumpapotamus

  1. The different LODs are good for static aircraft since SF2 I find. In situations with many(10 or more) aircraft in view at once, frame rates can take a massive hit if they are 15k+ poly each and no lesser LODs. Would be the same in the air with 10-20 aircraft in view at once.
  2. F-15C shadow prob is due to the mesh having too many polys- model issue!
  3. I have finally posted some photos from my honeymoon to Cuba. I visited the Air Museum in Havana. It was quite the place. We could barely find it. Also it is so slack, a meagre fence and minimal information. It looks like they literally hauled the aircraft straight from the airstrip to the park and secured them in place. From what I could see, not very much was removed from the aircraft. The cockpits had pretty much everything intact, though in rough shape. Engines were there(I got some good photos of the afterburners) and on many, the guns! I am sure, for a few Pesos I could have crawled right inside!
  4. img_0937.jpg

  5. img_0944.jpg

  6. img_0929.jpg

  7. img_0911.jpg

  8. img_0906.jpg

  9. Any home brewers out there?

    I have been home brewing for a couple of years. I even have tried malting my own with mixed success. My friend has a farm where I get the barley from- and some hops.(his mother is old world German- they grow everything themselves!) I have made some good brews, but the first were horrible- the pigs loved it though! Recently, I don't have time. If I ever build my financial empire, I'll set up a few breweries
  10. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...sst&id=5616 File Name: lynx_m113 File Submitter: grumpapotamus File Submitted: 4 Dec 2007 File Updated: 7 Feb 2008 File Category: Ground Objects Mods File Version: No Information Website: No Information Hello All, finally, here is my Lynx m113. There may be an improved version later, as I am not 100% happy with the skin. Used by both the Dutch and Canadian armed forces. It is a light reconnaissance vehicle, smaller than the M113. Hopefully this comes in handy with some future missions/campaigns(especially NATO stuff). Please feel free to use, but give credit where credit is due. Do not use in any payware, etc without consent from me. Installation is easy. Unzip into(or onto desktop, than transfer) your groundobjects file and it is ready to be used. Any problems, please contact me through the board, or consult the FAQ at combatace. Enjoy! Click here to download this file
  11. lynx_m113



    Hello All, finally, here is my Lynx m113. There may be an improved version later, as I am not 100% happy with the skin. Used by both the Dutch and Canadian armed forces. It is a light reconnaissance vehicle, smaller than the M113. Hopefully this comes in handy with some future missions/campaigns(especially NATO stuff). Please feel free to use, but give credit where credit is due. Do not use in any payware, etc without consent from me. Installation is easy. Unzip into(or onto desktop, than transfer) your groundobjects file and it is ready to be used. Any problems, please contact me through the board, or consult the FAQ at combatace. Enjoy!
  12. Hello All, I have completed my course, and have picked up a good understanding of 3dsMax. I am surprised how little of the software the game actually uses! I still need to learn more about the intracacies of the thirdaire importer though... However; this is on the wanted list for ground units, so hopefully some of you will be happy. I will post the final after some third(and fourth and fifth) party testing. img00009.bmp
  13. Hello All, I will officially take on the CF-100, unless someone else is working on it. Also; what is the status of the F4d Skyray, as I would be interested in that as well. Also; I have some ground objects in the works nearing completion. BTW, which Lynx are you looking for: the M113 lynx variant or the Panhard 6x6? OOPS!, wrong thread. Please move to Aircraft WIP please!
  14. Being down sized!

    Well, come on up to Canada! In Calgary we can't get enough workers!
  15. Hello all, I am wondering what UVW exporters and painting programs modders are using. I have 3DS max9, which has some utilities for UVW export to BMP files for painting. I am trying texporter, but the 3DS utility seems virtually the same. As for paint programs, I am using netpaint(freebie) and Photoshop elements as I don't have Photoshop. A point towards some better utilities/programs would be great.
  16. Hello All, just a quick question on ploycounts/vertices on ground objects. What is a reasonable amount, for ships versus tanks versus buildings?
  17. I have been toying with a campaign in that era for a while. (I like the early missile age) I was using the Dhimar/Parani thing, modelling them off of similar powers in the middle east. I used www.navysite.de/carriers.htm. Pick a carrier then scroll down and click on deployments which will give you the deployments of the specific carriers. The one problem with this era is the lack of some aircraft. I know the A-team is releasing its A-3 soon(which I assume is carrier capable), but the f4d-1, f8u-1(F-8A), or carrier capable Fury is not available.
  18. Too much work, not enough play

    I don't seem to be spending as much time as I would like modding and playing recently. My job is demanding alot of me right now- (damn this city, if you know anyone unemployed please send them here, we could use more workers!!!) Also with my wedding coming in the new year (I don't think I need to explain- anyone already married knows!) What are all you folks doing to manage/create time to get the most out of modding/flying?
  19. I regularly back up on my old HD which I converted to a storage drive. After hearing your stories, I think I better do some dvd burning or get some external storage! Thanks for the wisdom!!!
  20. What is with the constant need?

    The nonpolitical approach is the best approach. As for the 'green' thing, I don't see it as political as much as economical. Especially with the price of energy!
  21. Thanks Guys, beats the mod I did to get a French F-8E!
  22. History Channel Presents: DOGFIGHTS

    I love this show! Unfortunately, up here in Canada we are six months behind, so we are just getting the first season now. Only problem is the my girlfriend(fiance) has a show in conflict with it! Damn that big brother show!!!
  23. Hello All, I recently purchased YAP online a while ago, but did not receive the download link. My credit card statement has now come, and the payment was made, yet no e-mail from YAP. I have tried contacting them, but no response. Anyone have any suggestions? YAP looks amazing, and their reputation seems to be good, so I am trying to find a good solution...
  24. Yankee Air Pirate

    All is well now. YAP was very helpful, When the e-mails actually got to them.
  25. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...sst&id=4905 File Name: UN M113 File Submitter: grumpapotamus File Submitted: 27 Jun 2007 File Updated: 7 Feb 2008 File Category: Ground Objects Mods File Version: No Information Website: No Information Here is a UN M113. Hopefully this will get some use by campaign and mission modders. Feel free to alter, but give credit where credit is due. Click here to download this file

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