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Rollyurown campaigns and missions?

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Anyone workin on any good missions or campaigns for this sim? I have several Stalingrad missions for IL2 and am working now on a fictional campaign for IL2FB that takes you thru six training missions in a B-239 (Brewster), then "graduates" you to a BF-109. Right now its linear but may make it random. It has some tracks cut scenes in it too. If anyone cares to playtest the campaign once its done, I'd appreciate it. Ill do the same for you.

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I'll certainly test it out, though I have a bad track record for playing campaigns all the way through.

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Thanks SD. It will be a little while yet. Im going to add at least 5 more missions and thinking about as many as 20 more. Ill try and finish mission #7 tonite and send it to you here at biohaz as an attachment for a test run.

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Don't be in a rush, I won't be home till Saturday afternoon.

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Hi S.D. and anyone else interested... This is a Mission from my IL2FB campaign I am presently working on, (no name for the campaign yet). This mission is simply called training Mission #7. It is actually the graduation/valedectorian flight of your section of pilot trainees. I would appreciate any flight/playtesting and feedback. Simply make a new folder in your C:Program FilesUbi SoftIL-2 Sturmovik Forgotten BattlesMissionsSingleDE directory called "B-239" and then unzip this mission into it. Then simply start the single mission option in the games' main screen.

One problem with this mission and the editor in IL2 in general is the ai aircraft after an attack and fight often do not return to their next waypoint and continue the mission or head home. This can be annoying when your planes are circling over an enemy base, not heading away from it, and getting shot down by the laser guided ai AAA.

Anyway, thanks for your help. Ill list anyone who does this mission as its playtester.

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If you have tried this scenario, please give me some feedback. If its crap, say so and say why. This is how I learn. I wont be too upset... :lol:

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So where do I get the mission?


Heres one I've been workin on. Started out with a fictional mission over Sebastopol (well had a Leningrad one at first but it sucked). Anyway started with 2X4 filghts of He 111's one with torpedos and the other with 4 500kg's. Followed by 2X4 flights of Ju-87's with 1 500 and 2 250's. Fighter support was 1X4 of D-9's, and 1X4 K-4's. Objectives are as follows.


He-111's destroy the Fleet docked at Sebastopol (Marat, 2 Kirovs, 1 old Cruiser, 3 DD type 7's, and 4 cargo vesels).


#1 flight of Ju-87's to destroy parked aircraft at Russian Airbase SSE of Sebastopol.


#2 flight of Ju-87's to destroy armor depot between Sebastopol and airfield.


K-4's take CAP over N. Sebastopol. (Docks)


D-9's take CAP over S. Sebastopol. (Airfield)



Russians have 2 flights of LA-7 ShVaks patroling N and S sectors.




King Tigers moving in from 4 directions, are to punch through soviet lines (IS-2's and T-34-85's) and advance into center of Sebastopol.




U-boats moving in to try and sink a few of the ships mored in Sebastopol.




Soviet MBR's flying to try and find these U-Boats.


Flak is all over the city.




In case you cant tell, but the initial run of this was choppy at best, and no planes on either side survived... but 2 Ju-87's did make it to the Tanks and hit their targets, and then were shot down by flak.


Further moddling, made me scale back to no MBR's, half the ships, 1 U-boat, no K-4's, and only 1 flight LA's, also had to knock back on the AAA, and Tanks, so now it runs pretty smooth, but it is near impossible for the He-111 to do any damage.


I was able to realease my torpedos as I was shot down at 30m and they sunk one Cruiser, the rest of my flight was blown out of the sky by flak from the ships, the other flight was lost aswell. Soviet LA's were all destroyed, and so were the D-9's, in the end the flight of Ju-87's that attacked the airfield made it back home (2 with hung ordinance... BASTARDS!). Only the Cruiser that I sunk... well sunk.


As for that Leningrad mission that I eluded to, there was so much flak, that I had to put it on Invincible to just get within site of the city, and I tried to get a screen of all the AAA for you guys, and well I hit "Print Screen" and the game crashed... lol. :lol:

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Yeah, the ship flak is definately sniper right now. Supposedly the patch will fix that a bit. I found that same as you, I had to limit how many objects and units I emplaced in the mission. Too many and it wouldnt play very well. Add your mission as an attachment to your post and Ill give her a whirl. Mine is a couple posts up as an attachment.

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Holy Sh*t! This was time consuming. Now I kinda feel for those guys that build campaigns... but then again its there job. I've spent atleast 6 hours today, on tweeking the mission, and it still isnt perfect. It's kind of a "dynamic" mission. And some may find it to be like the "Low Level at Kerch" mission, except this one is Kerch on 750 cc's of steroids.


You are in the #1 flight of He-111's (armed with torpedoes), you are attacking from the north. #2 flight of He-111's will come from the south (with 4 500 kgs). 1 flight of Ju-87's will bomb airfield, 2nd flight will bomb armor depot. Your only fighter cover is 4 D-9's.


Now here is where it becomes "Dynamic", your flight will probably be shot out of the sky by ship based AAA, if the 3 U-Boats entering the harbour do not sink atleast 2 of the flak capable ships. Also #2 flight of 111's will probably be shot to bits, if the D-9's do not take care of or atleast delay the flight of LA-7 ShVaks.


It's a good mission, it's only about 30 mins long (try not to use time compress cause theres no need) I have placed static cams in various areas, to let you see all the cool crap I put in the game. There are barrage balloons, sirens, search lites (you are going to attack right after midnight), flak, you are also flying through T-Storms. All and all its just fun to watch whats goin on. There is a skirmish on the front that I have found to be not so "Hot" since they cant see eachother... MEH!


So here it is.

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Sorry, I keep posting for this, but my brain is fried and I keep remembering crap like 5 mins after I post.


But I hope whoever downloads this, has a pretty good system. Nothing that cant handle the big missions in FB. I'm running 1.8 GHZ P4, 512 mb RAM, and 64mb Nvidia GeForce 3.

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