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If that puppy is an improvement over this ancient and decrepit one I've got sitting here (from 2004!!), baby, upload that animal!! That'll be one less I've got the fool around with. (and don't even get me started as to what it needs...EVERYTHING!)


You little mig lover, you! :biggrin:



Kevin Stein

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If you like this there is more to come Wrench!!!!!!!!!

Plus it comes with chaffs and flares and a radar/tv screen!!!!!

Muah!! Muah!!

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Sound like what I did for the InAF Bison...fiddled the A-4F pit, created an EOGB (HAL KAB 500 - which we'll need a Sov version for the 27's, too), gave it ECM, dispensers, avionics tweeks.


Looking forward to it!



Kevin Stein

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Rogar that!!! But right now i'll post it later today. And I am working on Mi-24 versions too!!

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First I need permisson to post it because it has the Mig-21MF cockpit and skin yo.


I add a soviet star on the flag to make it look cool.

Edited by gerald14

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