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Bunyap's Weapon Delivery Manual - where?

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Hi everybody!

I'm a new pilot of WOV/WOE and I'm looking for good manuals for these games. I've heard about Bunyap's Delivery Manual, but where can I found it? I hope it will help me to use Paveway laser bombs, Walleye etc. Do you know any working links? Bunyap's site doesn't work unfortunately.

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http://www.bunyap2w1.com/ doesn't work for me and I don't know why :-(

Are there any links for download it?

I've read GWU, it's useful, but I'd like to read Weapon Delivery Manual too.

Edited by jaxa

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Go to 331KillerBee's SF2 Weapons Pack.

The manual is located inside the Weapons Manuals folder.

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I found it here:




Not just one, but several documents.


The main guide is extremely erudite, thorough, detailed, and complex. In fact it's a mathematician's paradise.

Shame I did Chemical Engineering.


The big "but" is that it's very firmly attached to the real world, and contains only minor information that can be adapted to SF. IMHO.

If you want to know how to deliver a Paveway, it's 15,000ft and 6 miles, but you won't find that in the guide.

And if you want to drop dumb bombs accurately, then the best way is to get a CCIP, which can be put in any 70dll aircraft, and is fully explained in the Knowledge base.

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