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Focker DVIIF flight model

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I recently downloaded the flight model of the Focker DVII F done by Rotagen and I have to say I think this might be the best flight model done for First Eagles. For the first time I feel like I am flying a WWI bird. On hard setting you really have to watch your speed! You do not want to stall out in this beast or you will spiral to your death! It adds a whole extra level of realism to the game. Does anyone else know of a flight model that will cause planes to go into spins if you stall out?


To Rotagen :clapping:

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Hi Mike1997, welcome to CombatACE. :good: The original SPAD XIII had nasty stall/spin characteristics. I think it got toned down in subsequent patches though. As for the flying charateristics of the DVII...


Fokker DVII

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