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A very valid question!

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Dont know if you can do this, but am advertising my last post, as its a question I've had on my mind for a very long while now.


http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=18786 <----- post in here please, cheers!


Crash Physics.... why we need them.

Great job to the IL Sturmovik Crew, they hit this nail on the head.


Any answers at all would be great, Thanks! :dntknw:

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Again, FE is more a sim-lite oriented game with more of a focus on action, aircraft, modding. This isn't to say that adding those extra elements of realism (collision detection with ground objects, crash physics, environmental effects etc) have been ignored. There are modders already working on some of these at least, but our modder base is kind of small and they usually multitask, making skins, models, terrains etc. Only TK really specialises on the game engine characteristics, after all it's his baby. But his work load would be pretty heavy since he patches and develops all the 3rdWire games.

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