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Weaponeer Needs YOUR help!

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Ok, folks. I've been working on updating Ajundair's Canberra for the PAF and InAF, and I need a little help with the loadouts.


Spent literally hours last night sifting the Web for load info, and pretty much came up empty. Before posting any fixes, I want to the some input for you all (especially Ghostrider883, our resident expert on the sub-continent). I seem to have some problem for reasons only the cable company know, of getting the BR site on Indian AF stuff....so...


On the Pakistani 57B and 57C, should it carry rockets, rocket pods or NOTHING on the external stations?? For testing purposes, I installed SNEBs on one and HVARs on another (they're the CAN HVAR, as they too are WP mountings) To be honest, neither one looks "right" to me, the RPs in particular.

Getting bombs into the bay or wing stations is not problem....just trying to find something a little closer, historically, to reality.


On the Indian B.1, B.2 and B.1(I) 58, shouldn't the guns be in a package in the bombbay?? Ordanace should be only on the wing stations???

I seem to remember the RAF Interdictor versions only have their guns in bay pak. If you look at my EE Canberra hangar screen, the bottom painting is definately an Interdictor verson, with the ventral gun pak. Which means bombs/tanks only on the wings.


Not wanting to 'send these back to the factory for refurbishment' is my main goal...I'd rather NOT mess with Ajundair's hard work. I know they're simple ini edits to move the guns, but it's something I'd rather not do unless absolutely necessary.


Also, just for fun, I took my modified "2Jet_cockpit" (tweeked Beau for use in the Meteor) and added it to the B.1,and it aint too bad actually. Not perfect, but at least it's a twin engined cockpit! There's a little problem with 'over the shoulder' views, as the interior of the pit blocks it, but it's livable. Since the pilot didin't have a radar repeater, you can just use the little screen in the upper right. Or not as you wish.


So...let's hear from some of you folks...need some expert advices.



Kevin Stein

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The Indian B(I)58 was the Indian version of RAF's B(I)8 bomber. The Indian version was the same as RAF version except that Indian version had a tail facing Orange Putter RWR(ajunaidr's model has this RWR).

A mistake that ajunaidr has done on EE Canberras is that he has put four plyons on each wing, whereas the EE Canberras had just one pylon in the wing(also the pylon is much smaller in size) and on that pylon, bombs, rockets could be loaded. I am not really sure whether this holds true for the Martin Canberras as well.





Also, ther was no Canberra B.2 in Indian service. They were actually B.66s(bought after the 1965 war), Indian version of the RAF B(I)6, which again could carry the ventral gunpack


As for your Gunpack question. The B(I)8/58 could carry a ventral 4x20mm gunpack. The detachable gunpack was carried outside the bomb-bay, as shown in the pic. However, when the gunpack was carried no bombs could be loaded in the bomb bay. The wing mounted guns must be removed.The EE Canberras never had them.



In the weps pack,check out Bunyap's 4000-lb Block buster bomb that was carried in the bomb bay of the EE Canberra.


In 1961, when Canberra B(I)58s went to Congo in support of UN, they carried only guns, no bombs were carried as UN did not allow them. Indian Canberras managed to attack and destory Katangan Air Force installations and aircraft just with their guns. Until a few years ago, Indian Hinds were forbidden from carrying bombs and rockets, they could only use thir cannons in Congo while flying escort for UN Helicopters.


If you need any more info, let me know .I will be glad to help.


P.S. BR is working fine :wink:

Edited by ghostrider883

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Blessing on you, my brother!! That's just the stuff I needed!!! That load chart is just the thing!!


Sure, BR works for EVERYONE, but ME!!!! :blink: Damn Time/Warner cable...ever since they bought out Comcast, all KINDs of stuff's been weirded out!


Editing out the 'extranenous' wing hardpoints is just a simple ini edit (done that before on other birds!) As for the guns, I hink I'll just leave them alone for now, as we'd need the lod for a pun gak, and just leave it with bombs. Just keep them in the wings for now.


Below is what I have for the B (I) 58:


Loadout[01].WeaponType=HAL Mk5_500


Loadout[02].WeaponType=HAL Mk5_500


Loadout[03].WeaponType=HAL Mk5_500


Loadout[04].WeaponType=HAL Mk5_500


Loadout[05].WeaponType=HAL Mk5_500


Loadout[06].WeaponType=HAL Mk5_500


Loadout[07].WeaponType=HAL Mk5_500


Loadout[08].WeaponType=HAL Mk5_500










Loadout[01].WeaponType=HAL 60lb-rocket


Loadout[02].WeaponType=HAL 60lb-rocket


Loadout[03].WeaponType=HAL 60lb-rocket


Loadout[04].WeaponType=HAL 60lb-rocket


Loadout[05].WeaponType=HAL 60lb-rocket


Loadout[06].WeaponType=HAL 60lb-rocket


Loadout[07].WeaponType=HAL 60lb-rocket


Loadout[08].WeaponType=HAL 60lb-rocket






Loadout[11].WeaponType=HAL Mk5_500




Loadout[01].WeaponType=HAL 60lb-rocket


Loadout[02].WeaponType=HAL 60lb-rocket


Loadout[03].WeaponType=HAL 60lb-rocket


Loadout[04].WeaponType=HAL 60lb-rocket


Loadout[05].WeaponType=HAL 60lb-rocket


Loadout[06].WeaponType=HAL 60lb-rocket


Loadout[07].WeaponType=HAL 60lb-rocket


Loadout[08].WeaponType=HAL 60lb-rocket










Loadout[01].WeaponType=HAL 60lb-rocket


Loadout[02].WeaponType=HAL 60lb-rocket


Loadout[03].WeaponType=HAL 60lb-rocket


Loadout[04].WeaponType=HAL 60lb-rocket


Loadout[05].WeaponType=HAL 60lb-rocket


Loadout[06].WeaponType=HAL 60lb-rocket


Loadout[07].WeaponType=HAL 60lb-rocket


Loadout[08].WeaponType=HAL 60lb-rocket






Loadout[11].WeaponType=HAL Mk5_500



thats not the whole load ini, just most of it! So, according to the chart, I should replace the 60 lbers with 2 rocket pods, or bombs, and get rid of the other 2 points. Probably best to remove the center of the 3 on each side. We should have a HAL Matra pod in the WepPak someplace....


I did find some info on the Paki ex-USAF versions, so I think I got them wired. Stick to bombs on the outer 2 on each wing, and 2 fuel tanks in the inner 2. My Sqad/Signal "Canberra in Action" book says then used 4 Sabre tanks to extend their range, but I'm using the tanks Ajundair created, cause they're already there!

Since they're the US-built Martin versions, loads are just a little different, but again, no problems.


I will definatley be asking, when (not IF!) I need more help!




Kevin Stein

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PAF B-57s could certainly carry rockets. On 6th September 1965, PAF B-57s attacked Jamnagar AFS , they attacked with bombs, guns and rockets.

Edited by ghostrider883

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thats not the whole load ini, just most of it! So, according to the chart, I should replace the 60 lbers with 2 rocket pods, or bombs, and get rid of the other 2 points. Probably best to remove the center of the 3 on each side. We should have a HAL Matra pod in the WepPak someplace....


Exactly. There is a video on the IAF exploits in 65/71 war. It shows a B(I)58 firing its rockets from a SNEB rocket pod. Also, I have seen the canberra carrying dual rocket pods on it s wings pylon. Let me get that vid cap for you

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