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Jane's F/A 15 Games

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I'am a newbie.I'd like to nuy the Jane flight sim games.

I currently have purchased;but not played yet.


2.)Allied 4.0 Force

3.)Logitech Extreme 3D PRO Joystick(buying a better stick on May 1st.)


And where can I find a Squadron that'll train me?





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The Jane's games are all very old now, the last was released in 2000 I think. You may have to go to ebay or find someone willing to sell their old copy somewhere to get a hold of them.


As for those 2 you listed, well, you've picked the hardest prop sim and hardest jet sim available to start with! :grin:


For training, they both come with training missions that are very good actually. Spend time with them until you can do them like clockwork. For the record, I got F4 in 1998 and Il-2 in 2001 and I'm still pretty bad at both of them. :wink:

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For IL-2 I belong to TAW and we fly every week-end.Check them out www.theartofwarfare.net and see what you think.We'll be happy to train you.BUT it does take alittle time.

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