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30 years ago in a galaxy far,far away....

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Seems the Star Wars community is making plans to mark the 30th anniversary of the Release of Star Wars.Check it out 30th anniversary of Star Wars so if you're in the L.A area be sure to take a look around and get lots of pics for us here.

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I'm surprised they're not releasing a 6-disc HD version of the movies to coincide. I've watched them all in HD on cable in recent months, looks GREAT...especially the last 2, as they were filmed digitally and the picture is just miles beyond anything else.

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wonder how the original would have looked using todays technology?kinda like most early Sci-fi could have benefitted from some extras in the special effects dept,but Star Wars and Star trek just scream for digital filming and CGI.But then thats the magic of the originals..they were great even then,and still are now.

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You've not seen the redone TOS eps I take it? They CGI replaced all the model shots so the Enterprise and the other ships look 100x better. The rest was remastered in HD, albeit not 16:9 widescreen. They air them weekly here, but they're still only on season 1. Space Seed looked great with the Botany Bay alongside, then kicked off. The First Federation ship in The Corbomite Maneuver also looked a lot better.

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For me, I was satiated when they FINALLY made the "theatrical" 1977 release...you know, Han shot first...man I watched that part over and over, vindicated...

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Of course, it's a crappy transfer of the old LD transfer. No 5.1 sound, no anamorphic. I have both LD sets--original release and 1997 rerelease, and that's fine.

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"Solo shot first"...it could be black/white camcorder edition and I would giggle like a schoolgirl watching it everytime...

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