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Help with campaign code if any can.

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Ok im down to a few things that I want to play with but I don't understand the code layout, please help if you can.


in the later section of the campaign data.ini is an area like this:




ConnectTo[001].Target=La Harazee













ConnectTo[007].BasePoint=118750.00, 94250.00


Can you explain what this is doing? Some entries are only 2 connects long and some are like this and have 7 or more. And also .... what defines a BasePoint ?


It seems to be defining areas for something but im not seeing the picture yet.


Thanks in advance for any help

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Hi Firecage,


What you are looking at is the strategic node section of the campaign file. Strategic Nodes are defined to allow the ground war to work. Each Force's BaseArea (as defined at the top of the campaign_data.ini) is defined as a strategic node, and is connected to the enemy's BaseArea through the network of nodes. Ground Units each have their own BaseArea= flag, which must match a strategic node or they won't show up. Each node can be connected to a number of others, as you see listed. The BasePoint= flag relates to absolute map co-ordinates, and defines the position at which the actual combat takes place when ground units move between nodes, i.e the point at which you actually see tanks or whatever shooting at one another on the ground. This is usually near to, but not right on top of, the relative strategic node.


Those are the basics. There has been a fair bit of discussion about strategic nodes here and over at the thirdwire forums, so try a search under "strategic nodes" and you will probably come up with a good deal more info.





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Very nice, thank you for the info. This is making it easier on the next project to understand this better. Doing some trial runs tomorrow to see if an idea works. :biggrin:

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