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Display Properties doesn't show

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Having replaced one of my graphics cards with a newer shinier one I rebooted windows and right clicked the screen to bring up the display properties tab, and err nothing. Same deal through the control panel. Having googled the subject I checked the registry and there's nothing wrong there. All I really need is to be able to bring the Display Properties up once to activate the second display adaptor, after that the nVida tools handles everything else. Anyone got any ideas? This is all in XP SP2 by the by.


Edited to add, I can get display properties in Safe Mode, which is great, except safe mode doesn't deal with multiple display adaptors!!!!

Edited by SkippyBing

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And to answer my own question, having hunted through the labryinth that is the Microsoft technical support files. Open up the new style control panel (Start > Run > Control.exe if you've got the old style set up) then click on one of the tasks e.g. Choose a Scrren Saver. For some reason that opened up the Display Properties panel, even when clicking the Display Icon wouldn't!?!

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Did you uninstall/reinstall your video drivers? If for example you went from one ATI card to another ATI, or one nvidia to another one, you might think it will be fine without reloading the drivers since they're "unified." Unfortunately, no.

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