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WIP : Plane Fest 5.0

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Just a hint at a few new things that will be flyable in the 5.0 version..... Trying to test the zip file now should be out later tonight if I don't hit a snag.



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Hey FC,


I'm not sure if there is any way to game code this idea, but is there any way to make a campaign so that the start date is flexible??? You know, like how one can choose the year in the single missions...


Probably not, but thought it would be a neat feature for the "clients"...


Looking forward to your offering, as always!

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No its not an option that I can make available. I wish it was. I have been messing with the idea of splitting the Plane fest into 2 section of early->mid war and then mid->end so if you want the middle area you wont have to play all the way through just to get to the mid war planes.


I have that on the 'to do' list ....maybe the 6.0 or sooner if I get bored one weekend 8)


My biggest problem right now is I can't get the Staaken and the HP400 to be able to drop bombs from the pilot seat. I have every thing else ready for them to be flyable but I cant get it to let a human drop the bombs. If anyone has more info on how to get this working please contact me at CA.


If I don't get it resolved soon I will just take them out of the flyable bombers sections and space out the other bombers a bit more to cover the time frames.


If I can get that going all I need to do after that is get Capun/Ateam approval for me releasing the code on how to make them flyable. If I get through all that, I will include it as part of the plane fest 5.0 Download. :biggrin:

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FC, I didn't have either the Staaken or the HP in the game before, but I just loaded up the Staaken, modified the Gotha cockpit.ini (it just uses the D7 pit) and tried it out. The bombs dropped OK for me.

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Hi Tailspin,

RE: modifying the Gotha pit, what exactly needs to be done to it for it to work on the Staaken? Is it just a matter of changing some names and positioning (X, Y, Z), or something much more involved?


I guess I should just try it myself, but it would be nice to know what I'm getting myself into (if you know what I mean). Some weeks it's hard to find any time to boot up the office cockpit, and spending any free time on tinkering (let alone loading all these mods!!! Not complaining mind you...) just doesn't appeal as much as soaring and the chase...

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Actually the Gotha pit is just the Fokker D7 pit so I suppose there are a couple of ways to go. Here's how I did it. Copy the Gotha cockpit.ini over to your Staaken folder. Rename it Staaken_cockpit.ini. Change to CockpitSeat001 position to -0.5878,2.7419,-0.2647. Open the Staaken.ini and add Staaken_cockpit.ini to the line: CockpitDataFile= . Should be good to go.

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