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Net Neutrality - Be HEARD Before June 15th If you care about the Internet!

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I just sent a comment to the FCC about something really important: it's called Net Neutrality. That's the idea that we should be able to reach any websites, content, and services we want, without interference from the companies that provide our Internet access.


For a long time, there were Net Neutrality rules in place at the FCC. But last summer those rules expired, and now major telecom companies are lobbying to stop their renewal. These companies want to create a "two-lane" information highway, where their own content (and that of businesses that pay steep fees) would reach people quickly via a "fast lane," and other content (like blogs and nonprofit or small business websites) would be stuck in a "slow lane."


Before the FCC decides whether or not to renew Net Neutrality rules, it has to take public comments -- but the comment period closes on June 15th! Can you take a moment to join me in speaking up?


Urge the FCC to protect the freedom of the Internet at http://www.commoncause.org/InternetFreedom.


Some of America's wealthiest corporations are investing millions of dollars in their efforts to block Net Neutrality. People like you and I need to take this chance to tell the FCC that the Internet must be a democratic, open medium. That's what it was always meant to be.


If the telecom companies get their way, it could spell the end of free expression and innovation on the Internet.


Send a message to the FCC before the June 15th deadline at http://www.commoncause.org/InternetFreedom.


Thanks for taking action to keep the Internet open to all!


Click this link to take action now!!

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thanks..a good read. I'll do my part

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