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Fokker E.I & E.II are almost ready. We'll be doing two of each type with varying armament (Spandau or Parabellum), headrest and wheel configurations.










*note , the skins are the E.III stock ones being used as place-holders. v. Deutschmark is working up a batch of new ones and Peter is doing his usual magic with the FM's

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Lookin good Laton! This oughta be fun.

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Have to say they are looking very good....I'm putting final touches on FMs and testing these against others, and I didn't really notice the differences that much until say flying E1 against the E3. The changes are quite significant - the E3 looks like a big bird of prey, the E1 a smaller more delicate and early cousin. Its very good work.


And I personally really appreciate Laton going to the trouble of doing all these variations for the game - I don't think many would (Bort is an exception as well), it probably is more fun for modellers to do new ones.

Edited by peter01

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