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BoB Campaign v0.56 to v0.59 upgrade Hotfix

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File Name: BoB Campaign v0.56 to v0.59 upgrade Hotfix

File Submitter: Baltika

File Submitted: 5 Jun 2007

File Updated: 5 Jul 2007

File Category: Missions/Campaigns




As the Battle of Britain Campaign is still a WIP, I will post the updated campaign files here from time to time to save those of you who already have it installed from having to download the complete package again.


Download and install v0.56 as per the readme instructions first, then unzip the 0.59 upgrade package and copy the unzipped files over to your BoB install, over-writing the old files.


NB This will probably break any campaigns you have already started, so you may want to finish those before updating.


As ever, feedback and suggestions are most welcome. If you find any bugs you can let me know about those too.











0.50 - Initial release

0.51 - Revised Planeset

0.52 - Revised "MissionChance[XXX]=" values for all air units (Thanks, Charles!)

0.53 - Revised Aircraft Replacement Times & percentages for each Force

0.54 - Added WW2 period map icons by Geo and Charles

0.55 - Revised Experience and Morale values for all Air Units

0.56 - SFP1 Dev A-Team & allenjb42 aircraft included as part of the package. Thanks!

0.57 - Added WW2 RAF and Luftwaffe Pilot photos (Thanks pcpilot!)

0.58 - Added Allenjb's Battle of Britain Music Pack. Thanks Allen!

0.59 - Added RussoUK2004's BF 109E-3B Fighter-Bomber, and 3./Erprobungsgruppe 210 as flyable squadron. Thanks Russo!




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New hotfix available now :biggrin:


Thanks to all contributors.



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