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I am trying to get a pilot to show in my Hawk model but I don't know why I can't do it, I've copyed and pasted the ini entries from other models etc etc....


Strangely when I was first testing my model and was still using a borrowed ini file from the T-45 a single pilot would appear, I noticed he vanished when I changed the Nationality entry in the ini file.



What am I missing here?

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Guest Saganuay82

Nationality and pilots have no connection.


Make sure the pilot.bmp, lod(s) and ini are in the main aircraft folder. Open the planes data.ini and scroll down to




PilotModelName=CF188P<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<make sure the name of the pilots bmp is there





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You do have the proper X,Y,Z coordinates for the pilot model?


Also, though Saqanuay is correct for a specific pilot model, you don't have to have that line, in which case it should default to the pilot model included with the sim.



Edited by FastCargo

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Another problem solved, thanks guys for the swift input, turns out I wasn't a million miles out, I needed to remember to add the relevant systemtype entry for the relevant component, the ini file I am editing was slightly different in having a Nose component which carries the pilots and I am just using Fuselage, but Saganuays hint was spot on for getting my main problem sorted.


Thanks again


can't wait until I am the guy giving the answers :yes:

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