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SFP1/SFG Dawn raid on P1 airfield parked aircraft (as requested)

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SFP1/SFG Dawn raid on P1 airfield parked aircraft (as requested)

Here's a simple strafing mission that I did as a request for SFP1/SFG, using my earlier the Stock Static aircraft as targets.


Take off immediately to stay in formation in your F-100D. You are on the wing of the 2nd pair. Each aircraft is tasked with different targets on

the P1 airfield. Yours is the arming pit area, which contains numerous enemy parked aircraft. Other aircraft are parked elsewhere on the airfield.


After the attack make your escape and land with your buddies back at airfield D10. Waypoints for navigation are programmed into the game.


Good luck!


Note: this is a short and simple mission. Total flying time is about 10 minutes.



Download and install the static enemy aircraft from my earlier SFP1/SFG Static Stock aircraft pack, available here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=4313


Regards, Paul T. (comrpnt) :-)


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