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Lybia Terrain Upgrade Ver.2

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Lybia Terrain Upgrade Ver.2

Update/Upgrade of USAFMTL's Lybia terrain


From the Readme:


This is mostly a 'fix' of the targets, types, and movements inis.


I've peaked and tweeked the targets, mostly to try to remove of 'floating' objects in the Gulf of Sidra, and to add more things for everyone to blow up. I've added the Factory Place, Truck Depot, a Lybian flag to wave in the breeze, and quite a few surprises.

It should be noted, the water mod is NOT included in this pak...the oceans are just plain water, no wave action. You can get Tristan's Lybia water mod here at CombatAce, in the SF/WoV/WoE Terrain Mods section. If you're so inclined...

(the DATA INI is already set up for it's usage)


As I always reccomend, unzip to a temp director that's easy to find.



(just my way of saying I ain't responsible for you doing dumb things!!)



= A REALLY Important note:


The targets ini in this pak is designed with the ORIGINAL tileset that came when this map was first released.

I've tested it, in one of my many installs, with Polak's New Desert Tile Set - and it looks SPECTACULAR! But....

there is a problem with using this newest targets ini -- all the stuff will be buried by the latest terobjects (buildings built into the tiles). It makes the cities look how they're supposed to, but the entire targets ini will need rebuilding to move or remove all the added buildings, AA & SAM units, vehicle depots, industrial centers, parked ships, POL depots, well you get the idea -- everything must be tweeked AGAIN to make use of his tile set.

So, I reccomend NOT using his latest and greatest work, until I can get things moved around again.

Which means, expect another version of the targets ini built to work with the newest desert terrain tiles. It's almost ready, so it won't be more than "2 weeks" <vbg>


This is just a sample from the readme -- it's very extensive, and give FULL, CLEAR instructions on how to get it to work in all 3 versions of the sim. It also describes in detail what you can expect to see and experience; mostly.


There is even MORE information for Vista users on disabling the shader (actually, a full DATA ini already adjusted just for them!).


REMEMBER: follow the instructions exactly as they're presented to you...you should have no problems getting this to run.


A full listing of credits and other people to blame are in the readme as well :wink:


HapPy HunTing!!


Kevin Stein


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Thanks Wrench!! looking forward to installing this!


It should be noted, the water mod is NOT included in this pak...the oceans are just plain water, no wave action. You can get Tristan's Lybia water mod here at CombatAce, in the SF/WoV/WoE Terrain Mods section. If you're so inclined...

(the DATA INI is already set up for it's usage)


I didn't find that mod by Tristan, unless this (Tristan_s_Desert_Mod) is what you mean?

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My Libya water mod is no longer available; maybe somebody else could do an update.

Edited by Tristan

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Tristan: I have you're water mod archived at home. Would it be cool to upload it, or not???



kevin stein

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It's OK with me. I did kind of a crappy job of the mod, though, which is why I removed it. Just so you know.

Edited by Tristan

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