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Civilian Aircraft - do they exist?

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Hi there! This is my first topic and I must beg you not to shoot me since I know this is a combat sim and not MSFS, but I was wondering if there are any small civilian planes just for the ambiance and the occasional scenery flight around? Something like the classic Cessna O-1 Bird Dog, Cessna 172 and Skymaster, or the Beechcraft Travel Air or the Piper Twin Comanche? Or probably the sexiest twin-engined civilian turboprop plane ever built, the Beechcraft Starship 2000A? :ok: Cause I've taken a look around most of the popular download sites for Third Series games and found none...

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There is an Bird Dog, Some Military Trainers, and an Airbus 310, but no other civilian aircraft.

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Don't forget the 0-1 not flyable out of the box...it needs a cockpit and a bunch of other stuff.


But, once upon a time, an exceptionaly bright, exceedingly cool individual DID come up with a rather interestering fix for it...

you can find what you need to tweek the Bird Dog in the downloads section;


Korean Era L-19.


For the stock 0-1, you really only need the inis, and the cokepit included (with thanks to Wolf for allowing the mod of the Airacobra pit)


There's also a nice Aussie version by Gramps in there too, someplace. Look for 'Cessna 180' or something like that.



Kevin Stein

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Alot of the aircraft modded up for WW1 Sim work in the JetSims. My fave is capun's SS DIII. Lots of slower birds work, Eindeckers for xample.


When we see an Etrich Tele Taube, I might stop fighting the Cold War.

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