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victor lema


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InformationAsstance is required gentlemen, latter part of last year the family moved home,at long last although the P.C. went on-line straight away its only now that I have managed to sort through my software,dvd's etc.

Much to my surprise I came onto Falcon 4 when the Pc used Windows98, now what I find is that useing XP home, I can download the software but not the data to use it.What now comes up is the following, WORD PAD - Can not load Word for Windows 6.0 Files.( Thought for the day, was there ever a Windows 6.0 - if so how could be used on Windows98?)

Is their anyone out there that can either explain what the latter means or how can I get around this problem or better still is it possible for someone to Email me the instructions. My sincere thanks. Vic.


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what are you trying to download?and from where?

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Word for Windows 6.0 was the version of MS Word that preceded Word 95, that came out with Windows 95.

Prior to Win95, MS didn't use years to name its products. Of course, the more laughable fact is there weren't actually 6 versions...they just named it 6.0 to compete with the standard Word Perfect 6 at that time.

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