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Hangar capacity...

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...is there such thing? Does the game have a limit to airplanes in the hangar?


Im asking because the in game menus have become really slow for me and i cant figure it out what it is... :dntknw:

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Well if it didnt happen after modding something:


Is your hard disk full? have you defragged it lately?

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In the past I experienced the situation your currently noticing...


I improved load times by moving the entire thirdwire directory to another drive... running defrag... moving the directory back and running defrag again.


I discovered this while up making multiple installs (for different theaters and or time periods)...


In a nutshell, I speculate that the game parses all the files while loading... Obviously the more planes... the more files. The methodology mentioned above places all the files in one contiguous block... reducing the seek time for these files.


Some may call my hypothesis a bunch of malarky... but proof is in the pudding and I notice a marked improvement in load times...


FYI, If you don't have a second disk to move to... one can just archive (zip or otherwise) the directory and proceed as denoted. Obvious this doesn't do as good a job, but it's better than nothing.

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Thanks guys! after defraging and released some space its much better...still slow but much better!

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