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So I finally managed to get WOE running on Vista properly. I am new to this game, but an long time fan of EAW. I modded EAW lightly and loved it. I am looking to get a little more into modding this game. I was just wondering where I should start. ANy input would be greatly appreciated. :good:

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That all depends on what it is you like doing. One tip though, you can copy the entire WoE folder over and have separate installs for different eras you'd like to represent. You only need to have installed any of the SFP/Wings over series once to be able to do this. This allows you to say, mod a version specifically for WWII aircraft, WWII weapons, vehicles etc. Another for modern era aircraft etc.

The bonus is, so long as you have a vanilla install (one thats unedited) you'll automatically have a backup of most every file should things go pear-shaped with any modding.


Oh, and since you're new, there's no F-22 yet, no Frogfoot, no Fencer... there are a few more aircraft that haven't been made yet, but there's an absolute buttload of stuff out there already. These are the more commonly asked questions. :biggrin:



Make sure one of your next stops is here:



This is the knowledge base. We've (that is everyone but me :tongue:) tried to come up with easy to follow instructions about how to edit what and where and these threads deal with the majority of modding subjects that you'll probably face when starting but if there's something that's puzzling you or you flat out don't get something, post up and we'll try to help (or at least make it sound like we know what we're talking about :grin:)

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Heheheh, thanks for the info!


No worries dude. Any ideas on how you'll start?

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Not to sure yet, I think I need to look around a bit and see what is available and then go from there. I know for sure I'm going to stay away from the WW2 stuff as those are the only sims I have played for the past 4-5 yrs. All the ad-ons I have seen for this game the past few days are truly amazing. I think I read a post here about some desert storm stuff coming very soon. I would not mind tryig that out when it becomes available. Until them maybe some of the 60's irseali / arab stuff, Mirages, kafirs and migs might be cool to try out or even the vietnam stuff, I would like to try out the A-4 or the A-6.


Any suggestions?

Edited by HiggyGT

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