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Newbe Problem with adding Lightning Fmk6 to WOE

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I've bought the game recently and I have managed to add a few planes already but the Lightning Fmk6 seems a bit trickier. I've followed the read me up to the point of adding the afterburner tga and the particlesystem ini.


The readme states that I should put thr tga into the objects folder but all the other tga files in the game are in the effects folder.


Also the readme states that I need to copy and paste the contents of enclosed particlesystem ini. into my exsisting particlesystem ini. but if it's there I cant find it?


So it would be nice if I could have a few pointers from someone out there who's a bit brighter than me as it would be great to fly this bird against them pesky Mig 21's!


Many Thanks.

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Thanks very much for speedy reply, 8 minutes is pretty dam quick!


Downloaded utility and now every thing is hunky dory!


Cheers. :good:

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