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Well firstly it seems I've been upgraded from a Junior Member to a Valued Member. Don't think I'm complaining but I can't for the life me understand this. So far as I am concerned I have brougnt very little value to this site other than posting some probably very stupid questions!! :rofl::rofl:


On a more serious note. I've now found that the BSU-50/B appears to be the right weapon for the loadout which formed the basis of my 'Brainless question No.3' I believe this is an 'Airblast' bomb. I couldn't make it work initially but I solved this by altering the date in the Weapons Editor when this bomb became available, taking the usage date back a couple of years. Now I don't know if this is right but I can't find any other type of bomb in the Weapon Editor list of a similar chararcter. I was a little none plusssed at first when I deployed it as it seemed to act like a normal ground impact bomb exploding on contact with the ground rather than exploding in the air. I don't know if the game engine allows for this but with respect to those who produced this weapon shouldn't this deploy rather more like a say CBU?


Anyway it certainly took out a couple of AAAs with collaterall damage at Tokoi-Ri bridge site so I guess I can't really complain. :biggrin::biggrin:


No doubt you guys will put me right on all this at some time.


P.S. Intially I had trouble opening my Weapons Editor. It just kept blinking the eggtimer and I couldn't figure this out, as it opened the last time I used it. I finally worked out that it was the Data Execution Preventer that was causing the problem. This was despite me having prevoiusly disabled the restriction in the game exe. So if others have the same problem this might be good to know although I expect you computer wizards know this already. Perhaps some Microsoft update or something identifies this part of the game separately somehow :dntknw::dntknw:

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Guest Saganuay82

For your weapons editor.. did you try right clicking on the WE.exe and then clicking on Compatibility - and setting it to work with Windows 98?.

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For your weapons editor.. did you try right clicking on the WE.exe and then clicking on Compatibility - and setting it to work with Windows 98?.


Yes. Thanks but I already set this the first time I opened the WEPs a while ago. It would only work recently when I disabled/ticked the WOE TODO exclusion box in the DEP even though the WOE exe. was showing in the DEP as disabled/allowed. Go figure!!

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