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Hello everybody! J have two big problems with my SFG:


1: When I installed the hawk missile battery the hawk launcher fire all three missile in the same time. I change the ...data.ini file where all three missile have the same ID=1 for different value of each missile(1,2,3). Now my launchers fire only one missile :( other two stand on rails. For example: In battery there are 6 launchers, everyone fire one missile and thats all. Battery doesn't fire but it has 12 missiles on rails.( I have the same problem with SA-3 battery)


2:I fly INTERCEPT mission. When I see enemy fighters/bombers ( they are on STRIKE misssion) and they are equipted with guided weapon ( missiles,bombs-laser,TV,gps,radio...) they don't attack there target. They fly over it and return home base. Only where they are armed with dumb bombs every think is ok.


Thanks everyone who have any idea!!!

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Hello everybody! J have two big problems with my SFG:


1: When I installed the hawk missile battery the hawk launcher fire all three missile in the same time. I change the ...data.ini file where all three missile have the same ID=1 for different value of each missile(1,2,3). Now my launchers fire only one missile :( other two stand on rails. For example: In battery there are 6 launchers, everyone fire one missile and thats all. Battery doesn't fire but it has 12 missiles on rails.( I have the same problem with SA-3 battery)


Nick Bell has a superb 'fix' for the HAWKs...its in the downloads section, not sure if its in the 'Other Object Mods' or which one! Even has the positions laid out for NATO defenses (WoE ONLY, though - but the data ini for the hawk can be used,as it's a ground object. Just back up your original, and drop the new one in.


2:I fly INTERCEPT mission. When I see enemy fighters/bombers ( they are on STRIKE misssion) and they are equipted with guided weapon ( missiles,bombs-laser,TV,gps,radio...) they don't attack there target. They fly over it and return home base. Only where they are armed with dumb bombs every think is ok.


Thanks everyone who have any idea!!!



Not enough information on this one....hell, I've seen Badgers and Bulls running SEAD missions, and they sure DO bomb things.


Need a little more here to fill in the gaps...what kind of aircraft, what years, what terrain; do you have the weapons pak installed? are the aircraft editied to use the weapons pak...lots of variable here we need to know.


They could just be running away 'cause you've scared them off!!! :wink:



kevin stein

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Hello Wrench!


This problem is in all my planes. I'm sure theat the F-15E has this problem.SEAD missins is ok. Planes attack their targets. I Have SF Gold witch all patch'es, weapon pack, and Desert terrain . I think this problem is not in loadout.ini and data.ini files- I know how to edit this files and I don't have problem with it (I think). For example when I fly STRIKE mission and i ordered my wingmen or squadron to attack ground and they are equipted with guided weapons they do this without problem!! Only where I spotted enemy STRIKE mission and I think(I dont remember) where I eskort my strike mission there is the same problem.In my oryginal game (without mods,patch'es etc.) there exist guided weapon but all planes have the loadout.ini files for strike missions with dumb bombs. Mayby this game hasn't got some .dll files for it and there are in WOE, WOW or P1???


Thanks for help!!

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In my oryginal game (without mods,patch'es etc.) there exist guided weapon but all planes have the loadout.ini files for strike missions with dumb bombs.


Well, guided missiles or smart bombs were added later, I do remember that in the stock WOV without any patches applied these weren't available.


Besides, the stock loadouts reflect the typical loadouts used in 60s. The 'smart' weapons (LGBs, EOGBs, EOGRs, etc) that are used these days all the time were still under development back then and rarely used.

Edited by Gocad

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Well, guided missiles or smart bombs were added later, I do remember that in the stock WOV without any patches applied these weren't available.


Besides, the stock loadouts reflect the typical loadouts used in 60s. The 'smart' weapons (LGBs, EOGBs, EOGRs, etc) that are used these days all the time were still under development back then and rarely used.


Yes but now I have all exist patch'es(for SF GOLD-4 Patch"es) and weapon pack from Bunyap's Weapons Pack Aircraft Database

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That's not going to make a difference. If the aircraft has a set loadout in it's loadout.ini then that is what it will use in a mission if the ai is flying it. You can only change your's and your flight's weapons from inside the game.


If you want the ai flights (whether they are friendly or enemy) to carry dumb bombs on strike missions so that they actually drop something then you will need to mod the loadout.ini of the individual planes.


If you're then flying those planes at a later date and want something more exotic to blast the bad guys with, you can always do that from the hangar screen.


Hope that helps.

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That's not going to make a difference. If the aircraft has a set loadout in it's loadout.ini then that is what it will use in a mission if the ai is flying it. You can only change your's and your flight's weapons from inside the game.


If you want the ai flights (whether they are friendly or enemy) to carry dumb bombs on strike missions so that they actually drop something then you will need to mod the loadout.ini of the individual planes.


If you're then flying those planes at a later date and want something more exotic to blast the bad guys with, you can always do that from the hangar screen.


Hope that helps.


I can change loadout.ini file and J do it. Planes only don't drop the guided weapon in enemy Strike mission. If I ordered them to attack with guided weapon's they do it. It look's stupid when I must equipted talon's or f-23's with Mk84 for strike missioon.



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