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Major Lee

Downloading your own stuff is....

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Downloading your own stuff is stupid... BACK UP YOUR STUFF.... To those who have encouraged others to back up their files, you were wise to offer that advice... To those who followed that advice and actually backed up their computer files, you too, are wise... To those who haven't backed up their files, well, just be like me and download your finished projects from your own website and start all your new stuff over from ZERO... Then, go surfing all about the internet downloading software and bits to rebuild your system...



1: You aren't special

2: Your HD isn't special

3: Things that aren't special are subject to random failure at inopportune times...

4: Back up everything you couldn't stand to lose...



Edited by Major Lee

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I fried an EHD the other day by plugging the wrong power cord into it. I lost some stuff but not much.

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