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As I am still tinkering on a personal campaign, I bumped onto two particuliar issues. I'd like to know whether someone else also bumped on them.


1/ max number of weapontypes at start of a campaign


It seems that the maximum number of weapontypes you can start the campaign with for each individual airunit is 32. It tried to add more, but number 33 never appears on the loadout list. (that seems odd since the single mission loadout screen allows much more)


2/ unwanted resupplies


I added some airunits that start two weeks after the campaign launch date. I added a default weapontype list (ie aim-9 & aim-7) but since I start two weeks into the campaign a resupply has been performed and now I have tons of other (unwanted) weapons (like nuclear tipped falcons).


It seems that the game, uses the weapondata to resupply your unit with all the possible weapons (depending on your AC and selected era). AFAIK the only solution to avoid this would be to delete all unwanted weapons from the weapondata.ini


Has anyone else encountered this issues and how did you resolve them?


KA out

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2/ unwanted resupplies - MAJOR EDIT


I have made some new discoveries concerning supplies. I initially thought that editing the weapondata.ini by removing all unwanted weapons. Much to my surprise, when loading the campaign I still had weapons that I did not want, even weapons that I could not find the in the weapons folder. Then it dawned on me.


It appears that the game uses the objectdata.cat (and perhaps together with the weapondata.ini or objects in the weapons folder) to determin which weapons are available (based on era and AC).


The weapons quantities we set in the campaign data files only determin the weapons at the start of the campaign. As soon as you hit a resupply event, the game overrules your settings and gives all possible weapons.


The only solution I see right now, is simply rebuilding the objectdata.cat with only the weapons you want. For the moment I won't test that solution (a bit too tricky and I am not sure that counts as a mod [i guess its rather a hack]), but it would be nice if someone could confirm me whether we can legally rebuild the objectdata.cat as modders.


KA out

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Interesting, KA. You just explained why all the extra weapons appeared in my current campaign (flying for the Red Airforce in WOE). IIRC correctly this never happened when I played a campaign using just NATO Fighters. I recently "upgraded" my NF aircraft and campaign files to full Weaponspack compatibility, and now I have this problem. So perhaps there is a connection with the Weaponspack and the changes in hardpoint and user settings?


BTW, once you start a campaign, all the data concerning the squadrons, weapons on hand, pilots etc is written into the savegame file. Did you try loading any of the non-stock weapons which were listed on the loadout screen but which you had eliminated from the weapondata.ini and the weapons folder? I bet that would cause a crash. But stock weapons you couldn't eliminate since they are maintained in the ObjectData file as you note.


You could try extracting all the weapons from the ObjectData and either change the user or availability date of the weapons you don't want to show up as listed in the loadout screen.

Edited by Nicholas Bell

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You could try extracting all the weapons from the ObjectData and either change the user or availability date of the weapons you don't want to show up as listed in the loadout screen.


I tried editing the availability dates (albeit withouth extracting all the weapons from the objectdata) but no joy. However I found a solution: I simply set the supply interval (WeaponResupplyTime in the campaign_data ini) equal to the number of days in my campaign. As such you are only supplied on the last day. You only have to make sure that the supplies at the start of the campaign are high enough to last.


But thats what I wanted anyhow, because I want to add the thrill of 'supply management' to the mission, so that the player has to consider which weapons are good for the mission and whether he won't need them later on.

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However I found a solution: I simply set the supply interval (WeaponResupplyTime in the campaign_data ini) equal to the number of days in my campaign. As such you are only supplied on the last day. You only have to make sure that the supplies at the start of the campaign are high enough to last.


KA, do you think limiting the resupply have an effect on the ground units supply level? Supply level is important in how the ground war is waged.

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KA, do you think limiting the resupply have an effect on the ground units supply level? Supply level is important in how the ground war is waged.


No, since you specify different supply times for aircraft, groundunits and weapons (assuming that weapons refers to AC weapons and not ammunition for the ground troops)









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