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Problem with Aircraft Downloads

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Can the community please help, I am a complete novice and have only just found First Eagles to satisfy my exhorberant interest in WW1 aviation.


The main problem is my favourite aircraft - the Airco DH2 - I can not download the add on flight model.....


I have downloaded everything else, Aircraft, Flanders Terrain, clouds etc... but no Airco DH2


Please help


PS Fantastic work by all you modders out their

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hey ya Deathjasta


I just DL'd it again and the download is fine

however I couldn't see a DH2 folder on my desktop

and thats because it is inside 2 other folders


C:\Documents and Settings\steve\Desktop\ Objects\Aircraft\Dh2



so unless you directed it to the root directory of FE, where it will drop it into the correct folder for you , like this


C:\Program Files\ThirdWire\WWI\ Objects\Aircraft\Dh2


then maybe you have done the same thing as me . ie dont look for dh2, on yer desktop , cos its called objects



Edited by gambit168

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Hey Gambit


Cheers for the reply. Sorry I should have stated, that for some reason when I try and d/l the DH2 the download cuts out half way. I do not get the total meg count.


Probably having antwacky dial up, due to no broadband in my area Grrr

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I dl'd it fine 2day

If yer havin trouble maybe i can email u the zip, that might work

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