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How do you link a landing light to the gear so that it roatates with the gear? I tried adding a "ModelNodeName=" entry to the light, but it didn't work.

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In 3dmax? I don't know. I know that the Mirage FActory's Fishbed rotates up with gear, as does Wolf's V.2 Mustangs. Mabybe linking animations???


But getting it to turn off as the gear comes up is an ini edit: note: there is no actual node for this, but I think it needs to be listed for it to turn off???












IsLandingLight=TRUE this is the line that makes it turn off on retraction


Hope that helps somewhat! (but ya probably already knew that!)



kevin stein

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I finally found it - it's "LightNodeName="

But thanks Wrench, that was a function I didn't know existed :good:

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