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How do I create new Menus screen

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I have created a seperate WOE install and now wish to create dedicated Menu Screens I have easily modified the Main Screen menu as it was a BMP but have been unable to figure out how to create the other Menu screens required in the game as they are in .dll format?

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When you see the .dll files named as the menu screens, they are not the actual screens you see in game, but instead is the coding behind them that allows all of the available functions to work. For example, when you use the drop down menus, that's made possible by the .dll files. To get to the bitmap paint files of the menu screens, you will have to download and install Skypat's Cat Extractor tool and extract the appropriate bitmap files from the MenuData.CAT file. When you're done editting the menu screen bitmaps, just place them in the Menu folder.

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When you see the .dll files named as the menu screens, they are not the actual screens you see in game, but instead is the coding behind them that allows all of the available functions to work. For example, when you use the drop down menus, that's made possible by the .dll files. To get to the bitmap paint files of the menu screens, you will have to download and install Skypat's Cat Extractor tool and extract the appropriate bitmap files from the MenuData.CAT file. When you're done editting the menu screen bitmaps, just place them in the Menu folder.



Thanks much appreciated now that I know where to find the various menu screens hopefully it should be plain sailing.

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So, you're looking to do something like....








These were done the lazy mans way...using the existing postions of the buttons. Kout has done some superb re-dos, like in OTC, that move the buttons to other places on the bmp



kevin stein

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