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Brainless Question No.6

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Just a quicky this one (no unwarranted remarks please) but can someone tell me how to delete a Pilot Record if in fact this is possble. I've looked in the forums and knowledge base but can't find a post about this although I thought I saw one some while back ( perhaps I'm blind as well as brainless) :dntknw::dntknw:

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Can't you just delete the pilot from the one of the menu screens??? Options? can't remember...


I know all the pilot info is stored in a file called "Pilot00*whatevernumberpilotitis* ie: Pilot001, 002, etc. You can always delete them, and create a new pilot.

There's also a PilotList.ini, that you can change your name on, or delete the entry.


Me thinks!



kevin stein

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Can't you just delete the pilot from the one of the menu screens??? Options? can't remember...


I know all the pilot info is stored in a file called "Pilot00*whatevernumberpilotitis* ie: Pilot001, 002, etc. You can always delete them, and create a new pilot.

There's also a PilotList.ini, that you can change your name on, or delete the entry.


Me thinks!



kevin stein


Thanks mate. Yes you can delete from PilotList. Just done it. Don't think you can delete in Options Screen tho' :biggrin::good:


Just flown another great mission in BOB. It really is as immersive as any other combat sim I've experienced and I've flown in more than I can remember. The combat dogfights and bomber attacks are just mind blowing! You just have to know how to approach the target. I shot down 7 No. Dorniers using the under belly attack keeping clear of the gunners. I know this kill rate even in the hard settings is unrealistic but what enormous fun! :biggrin::biggrin:


Anyone not having this install just don't know what the're missing!!



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Just flown another great mission in BOB. It really is as immersive as any other combat sim I've experienced and I've flown in more than I can remember. The combat dogfights and bomber attacks are just mind blowing! You just have to know how to approach the target. I shot down 7 No. Dorniers using the under belly attack keeping clear of the gunners. I know this kill rate even in the hard settings is unrealistic but what enormous fun! :biggrin::biggrin:


Anyone not having this install just don't know what the're missing!!







You have belied your handle by use of your noggin, sir!


I try to fly, between modding, but downing 7 Do17s in one mission is beyond me :crazy: S! You da man ;-)


Glad to hear you are having fun with BoB campaign - it is still a WIP, so what do you want to see in v0.61?


Can't promise to deliver, but B Bandy RFC's comment about the phases of BoB led to lots of headscratching, resulting in the new improved phased campaign - how is it faring in the harsh light of public oprobium? Anyone survived past the Kanalkampf yet?


With apologies for thread-hijacking, I too have had difficulties deleting pilots from within the SFP1 UI, so cheers for the tip, Wrench (when you releasing your ETO Tomahawk? :wink:)



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Guest capun

If you look at some of the early utilities, there is an explanation the pilot data file hex contents and what it represents.


I don't remember off the top of my head if there is a byte that turns the pilot off so you'll take to take a look at it and experiment.


It may or may not be the solution that you are looking for.

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