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Can anyone open a 3d Studio Max Aircraft Model?

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Hi I recently obtained from someone that I meet on online in the Uk, to whom I mentioned that I was into Flight Sims a disc that apparently contains a number of 3d StudioMax aircraft models, including a Buccanneer, Apache and Lancaster.


I am no modder and don't have access to 3d Studio Max and therefore cannot verify whether they are valid files that could be used as a basis for future WOE aircraft.


Could a Modder with access to Studio Max open one of the files If I emailed it to them and establish whether it is a valid model that could be adapted into an aircraft for use in WOE or WOV?





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Guest capun

I'll bet you that they are the DeEspona Models. Either from the Taschen Book sets or bootleg versions of their CD Collection.


Check their Website and see if the planes have the same filename


DeEspona Site

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I recognize the Buccaneer at least, having perused Turbo Squid.


And I should add that if it's the model I'm thinking of, the nose one doesn't look quite right.

Edited by Hinchinbrooke

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