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Placing targets on a map, i've seen that some objects appeared where they has to be in small target ares, but were unseenable in heavy targeted zones (in my case patrolboats and AAA are there in a small coastguards station in the middle of nowhere, but they are invisible when I place them near a big city with multiple areas like industrial complex, airport...). The game "see" them, as I can use them with mission editor but when flying there is only the read square over nothing.

What's up ? I don't know...Is there a max objects "showables" at the same time ?

I hope you all understand what I mean with my poor english !

Thanks for all

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What I've seen in adding additional target areas, for MANY of the terrains I've rebuilt/updated, is the game engine ONLY adds them as needed (and FLHausser can confirm this for the Lybia map).

You can fly via the free camera over target areas that you KNOW are heavily populated, and see nothing. When your aircraft arrives, there a radius that I haven't figgured out yet, they 'pop' into being like they were beamed in. (example: Busher in Iran/Iraq...there are parked ships and AD units there, that don't show if you 'run ahead' of yourself to look, but are there when you arrive)


As to limits...well, I've got target areas with over 300 individual objects in them. Again, the game engine ONLY adds what needed in the area over which you'r flying. You won't see that 300 object oil field in the south, if you're flying waaay up north.


As to them not physically showing up, even though targeted via the red box; that means they're listed in the targets and types ini, but perhaps the object itself is incorrectly pointed to or missing.


To clarify:


you have a ship, say an Osa, docked at Um Qusar. You have it's position listed in the targets ini, thusly:






You have it in the types ini,




FullName=Osa II FAB





















But you've forgotten to actually have the object in the GroundObject folder (and I've done this!!!). With the 2 listing, the game engine 'thinks' its there, but with no physical model, there's nothing to show. Hence, the empty target box.


So, I'd make sure that the object

1) exists somewhere - if it set as 'UseGroundObject=TRUE', make sure it's there in the GO folder

2) in set as 'UseGroundObject=FALSE', make use it inside the terrain folder

3) double check the types ini for proper entry

4) check data ini (if any - ships, vehicles, AAA, SAMs all have them) for "MaxVisibleDistance=" is something your eye can see


Other than that, double check spelling and LOD entries (they must match exactly



kevin stein

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I can confirm this observation. When I created the first truck parks for Steel Tiger no object was on the target area. Eventually a SAM radar would be there and when in range the other targets would be around. I ended in adding a SAM site to every target area, so I would be flying straight towards it with help of the RWR.

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Well I'll try tomorrow to fly over and see what happens !

As I'm sure there is nothing wrong with the object folder, I think you're both right with the explaination. Many thanks for your help !

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Try extracting the OBJECTLIST.INI and increase the GroupSize of the GroundObjectGroup. This solved similar problems I have had with my Air Defense mods.

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