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Number of Aircraft

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I could be wrong,It gets hard to keep all the different sims straight sometimes, But isn't there a way to make the engine use less aircraft per flight? In single missions i have no problems but in campaigns i end up with too many planes in the sky and it kills my frame rates.


I noticed that sometimes its sending out flights of 8 aircraft at a time and i want to limit it to only 4 per flight. I seem to remember doing this for WOE, but i checked the Knowledge base and couldnt find how to do it. Am i thinking of another sim or is there a way to do this in First Eagles?



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Maybe you your're thinking of Lowengrin's DCG for IL2 where this is easily accomplished :biggrin:


I don't think there is an "easy" way. You might want to try editing the formation.ini file. The supply level of a force and the squadron's affects the number of available aircraft during a campaign, and can be adjusted in the campaigndata.ini.


Sorry I can't be of more help.

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