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This is a very fun (for me), quite historical mission, that I'm proud to share with you.


Read the included docs, please.



Paolo, Paulopanz


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Hi Paolo,


cool Mission. Got one and lost my Plane HeadtoHead. Build another WoV-Mission, and I will be first to download this


Forza Italia






Sorry for my english

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I'm flyng a Mig on a frozen Yalu River in Razbam's Winter korea now, but I'll back in Vietnam soon, I hope.





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This is a very fun (for me), quite historical mission, that I'm proud to share with you.


Read the included docs, please.

Paolo, Paulopanz




very nice. Particularly challenging with getting jumped as the mission starts. Cleaned up flying both sides of this, although cruising back to the recovery point in the F-8 all I found was two tin cans to ditch alongside of!


cool mission. Thanks

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