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RF4-C nose/ RF101-C

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Hi everyone,


I'd just like to start by saying I doubt I have much more respect for anybody than everyone who has contributed skins/ ac/ objects/ terrain to WOV/WOE who has done so in their own free time so thanks very much. I have no skills in modding or skinning so I think I feel bad asking these q's but I have to ask them!


I just have a couple of questions:


1) I have the RF-4C model and the Tank Tarps to make the nose look like it has the camera but when I open the weapons editor to compile it (after I've installed everything else correct) nothing comes up in the compiler and I'm still left with a Zweibrucken F-4E to fly with. I thinks it may be a problem with the compiler as no other weapon shows up and the whole box is blank and no other tabs do anything.


2) Is there an RF-101 as WIP. I feel really cheeky asking for this but it's my favourite vietnam era aircraft and some bad ass pilots flew it! Was just wondering if anyone was working on it.


Once again thanks guys and girls, you've made the sim experience wonderful (I've tried the search function but to no avail)



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Welcome to Combatace..... to answer your questions.


1.) Not sure how to fix that but there is an RF-4C coming really really soon.


2.) Erikgen said once he finishes the TU-128 he is doing the Voodoo and all it variety's. Woohoo!

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Welcome to Combatace..... to answer your questions.


1.) Not sure how to fix that but there is an RF-4C coming really really soon.


2.) Erikgen said once he finishes the TU-128 he is doing the Voodoo and all it variety's. Woohoo!



Thanks for your quick reply USAFMTL, I especially appreciate your mods!


Just to clarify, I already have the RF-4 that was released here but it was basically an F-4E skinned with (albeit great) Kentucky ANG and Zweibrucken skins. Then an RF-4 Tank Tarps mod was released but I can't compile it in the weapons editor. Is there any reason for this?

At least I think thats the problem as all the other INI's are ok, yet the compiler doesn't seem to want to play


It's really annoying me as I saw Zweibrucken RF4s as a kid in Europe and loved how they looked and the mission they did. 'Unarmed and Unafraid'. Brilliant

Edited by vnoir50

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Not to get off topic Enrico is real close to finishing his tu-128 hes just testing out the a-a missiles he made specificaly for the 128 and he has to start the cockpit. Thanks USAFMTL And Viper withought you guys we wouldnt be able to even get the cockpit started


Back on topic Yankee Air Pirate has a an airforce recon phantom and a navy recon Phantom you can check it out on the YAP website the link is somewhere in combatace.


or www.yankeeairpirate.net :biggrin:


I hope this helps

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You know, I've been working so long on trying to get the RF4 working I may just do that! Trouble is I ordered the photo Vietnam terrain for $15. It's not compatible with YAP is it? Well this is just great! Looks like I'll have to make a sacrifice chaps. Cheers! Olly

Edited by vnoir50

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I haven't bought the photo vietnam terrain, YAP uses Deuces terrain tiles so if you already have the photoreal ones, it would overwrite them unless you back them up. If you simply install them again they shouldn't conflict with YAP unless the photoreal terrain comes with any ini changes.

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I haven't bought the photo vietnam terrain, YAP uses Deuces terrain tiles so if you already have the photoreal ones, it would overwrite them unless you back them up. If you simply install them again they shouldn't conflict with YAP unless the photoreal terrain comes with any ini changes.



Thanks for that, I think Deuces wrote somewhere that their (Razbam's) terrain doesn't work with the YAP one, or is not compatible (as opposed to freeware which I've seen has caused problems here). I wanted to buy YAP at some stage but I wanted to get the most out of Razbam's terrain as I bought it. (I don't want this to turn into a terrain slanging match by the way!) I planned to buy YAP and it's missions, as they look great, at some stage, but I wanted to get the most out of stuff I'd bought already or downloaded. As you can tell I love my recce stuff so I'll probably downlaod YAP anyhoo.





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Make a second WOV install then add YAP to that.... solves the problem of terrain issues by letting you keep both.

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I'd also like to state a story which I think sums up the type of people who flew the RF-101-C, from 'Vietnam Air Losses' by Chris Hobson


RF-101C 56-0190 15TRS, 18 TFW on TDY, USAF, Udorn

Capt Charles Ervin Shelton (POW-died)


Capt. Shelton was flying a BDA photographic reconnaissance mission over Laos with a wingman, when he was shot down. The first target was obscured by low cloud so Capt Shelton went on to the next target area near Sam Neua, the headquarters of the Pathet Lao forces. As the two aircraft approached Sam Neua at 3000 feet Capt Shelton's Voodoo was hit by ground fire and burst into flames. The Captain ejected safely and about two hours later he was seen by two rescue aircraft and contacted by radio. An attempted rescue before dark had to be postponed because of bad weather. Shelton told his rescuers that he would hide from the Pathet Lao forces and await a break in the weather when a rescue could take place. Unfortunately, it was not until 2 May that the weather again became suitable for the rescue aircraft to try again. Despite a total of 148 sorties by a variety of USAF and Air America aircraft and the insertion of a team of Hmong guerillas, no sign of Shelton was ever seen.

Capt Shelton had been captured by the Pathet Lao after three days in hiding. According to intelligence sources he was thought to have been kept prisoner in caves in the San Neua area for the next three and a half years. He is also said to have made several escape attempts and to have killed three of his captors in the process. Later, Shelton was thought to have been kept with another American POW, Capt D L Hrdlicka. Apparently, at least four rescue attempts took place in which ground teams were inserted into the San Neua area but without success. One of the rescue attempts is said to have involved Hmong tribesmen and actually succeeded in freeing Shelton and Hrdlicka only to have to return them to captivity when the rescue force encountered a force of NVA soldiers.

Stories about Shelton's continued captivity continued to circulate long after the war in SEA came to an end. Allegedly, Shelton was held in a POW camp near Tchepone, Laos from 1981 to 1985 and was then taken to North Vietnam. FOR MANY YEARS HE REMAINED THE ONLY AMERICAN POW WHO HAD NOT BEEN DECLARED DEAD BY THE US GOVERNMENT, DESPITE HIS LENGTH OF ABSENCE.

As late as 1987 a news story claimed Shelton was still alive in captivity. Sadly, it was all too much for his wife Marian, who for 25 years had steadfastly campaigned for her husband's release. On 4 October 199o Marian Shelton took her own life, as much a victim of the war in SEA as was her husband.


Charles Shelton was officially declared KIA in September 1994.


When I plan on going to Washington DC, I intend to go to the Vietnam memorial and look for his name. I wish I had the courage the Shelton's had in their little fingers

Edited by vnoir50

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