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Firecage's new DR1 skin?

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Ok firecage mentions TK's new planes where and how does a guy get them? Because that new skin will not work on Capun's DR1.

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Firecage's Red Dr1 skin is for the brand new First Eagle Expansion pack released by TK Friday night. Firecage's beautiful new Richtofen skin is for the DR1 model which is included in Thirdwire's Expansion Pack. Head over to the Thirdwire site to take a look at it.

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Guest Alligator Devil

I made some Manfred skins for the A-Team Dr1 based on Gambit's excellent Lothar skin (i only changed the colors and little adjustaments, Gambit's skin is very very good and has a great detail, so all the credit for the skins goes to Gambit)


Gambit gave me permission to upload them, and i have sent a message to Capun asking for the A-Team permission.


I made the two common Manfred skins:










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Yes, the skin I have available now is for the new exp pack from Thrird wire only, it will not work on the ATEAM Dr1. I was trying to get the Dr1 paint I saw on some old paintings and some Model planes that I had seen. I wanted to get the underpaint to show thru a bit more and I am going to do another update tonight when I get home from work so the wings have a bit more of the camp bleeding through the red paint on the wings.


Problem is I have to stop flying the new pack to do and paint ... hmmm decisions decisions...

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